DGFI-TUM DSO1 orbits of altimetry satellites TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2 and Jason-3 derived from SLR data in the SLRF2014 reference frame
The data set provides DSO1 orbits of altimetry satellites TOPEX/Poseidon (27 September 1992 to 9 October 2005), Jason-1 (13 January 2002 to 30 June 2013), Jason-2 (20 July 2008 to 2 October 2019) and Jason-3 (17 February 2016 to 24 October 2021) computed at the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut of the Technical University of Munich (DGFI-TUM). The orbits are derived using the DGFI-TUM Orbit and Geodetic parameter estimation Software (DOGS). The orbits were computed from SLR data in the SLRF2014 (an extended version of ITRF2014) reference frame using common for all satellites, most precise models and standards available and described in the following paper that serves as a citation of these orbits:
Sergei Rudenko, Denise Dettmering, Julian Zeitlhöfler, Riva Alkahal, Dhruv Upadhyay and Mathis Bloßfeld (2023) Radial orbit errors of contemporary altimetry satellite orbits. Surveys in Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-022-09758-5.
For each satellite, a tar file is given comprising compressed files. File names are given as satgpswd.sp3.gz, where “sat” is the abbreviation of the satellite name (JA1, JA2, JA3, TPX), “gpsw” is the 4-digit GPS week, and “d” indicates the day of the GPS week containing the first time instant of the file (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday). The orbit files are available in the Extended Standard Product 3 Orbit Format, Version c (SP3-c).
The orbits were derived within the project “Mitigation of the current errors in precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites (MEPODAS)” funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
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