Published May 28, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

National Cultural Routes as a Development Factor of the Original Tourist Destinations

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyse the influence of national cultural routes on the development of the original tourist destinations. National cultural tourist routes are the peculiar means of transmitting the country’s culture and can be used to develop both the personality and the original tourist destinations. The research methodology consists in using methods of complex analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, as well as content analysis of the main statistical and scientific sources as to the influence of national cultural routes on the formation of original tourist destinations, interdisciplinary nature of the main areas for the implementation of programmes directed at the national cultural routes creation in order to develop original tourist destinations. Scientific novelty. The main areas for the implementation of programmes directed at national cultural routes creation in order to develop original tourist destinations have been identified. The concept of the “national tourist trend” has been substantiated and introduced into the scientific circulation of cultural studies and tourism. Conclusions. The article analyses and gives characteristics to the main modern national tourist trends, which affect the formation of national cultural routes, in particular, the popularization of national cultural heritage, the development of domestic tourism under the condition of improving the quality of its service; the use of social networks to advertise the development of original tourist destinations; the development of innovative forms of work among potential and real consumers; optimization of virtualization of information on tourist destinations with augmented reality; round-the-clock support in social networks. The article demonstrates that the many-sided attractiveness of Ukrainian national culture should become a motivator for the development of not only original tourist destinations but also national tourism and world culture.



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