Published March 8, 2022 | Version 1
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Nonlinear field-control of terahertz waves in random media for spatiotemporal focusing

  • 1. Emergent Photonics (EPic) Lab, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN19QH, UK


Controlling the transmission of broadband optical pulses in scattering media is a critical open challenge in photonics. To date, wavefront shaping techniques at optical frequencies have been successfully applied to control the spatial properties of multiple-scattered light. However, a fundamental restriction in achieving an equivalent degree of control over the temporal properties of a broadband pulse is the limited availability of experimental techniques to detect the coherent properties (i.e., the spectral amplitude and absolute phase) of the transmitted field. Terahertz experimental frameworks, on the contrary, enable measuring the field dynamics of broadband pulses at ultrafast (sub-cycle) time scales directly. In this work, we provide a theoretical/numerical demonstration that, within this context, complex scattering can be used to achieve spatio-temporal control of instantaneous fields and manipulate the temporal properties of single-cycle pulses by solely acting on spatial degrees of freedom of the illuminating field. As direct application scenarios, we demonstrate spatio-temporal focusing, chirp compensation, and control of the carrier-envelope-offset of a transform-limited THz pulse.



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