Published July 22, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

International Tourism as a Form and Means of the Dialogue of Cultures

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to identify the role and importance of international tourism in the process of the dialogue of cultures. The research methodology is based on the application of general scientific methods, as well as activity-based and systembased approaches, which made it possible to study scientific publications on this issue. The scientific novelty lies in the analytical evaluation of the role and importance of international tourism in the process of intercultural dialogue. In particular, it is emphasized that international tourism in today’s globalized world is becoming one of the most effective ways of expanding the interaction of the representatives of different cultures, a practical method of principles of the cooperation at the international level. Conclusions. International tourism, as a peculiar means of human inculturation, clearly demonstrates the dominant features of contemporary world processes, including multiculturalism, mass displacement of people, creation of new cultural communities, cultural integration and mobility. These processes not only make possible regular contacts between the representatives of different cultures, but also determine the features of intercultural communication. Effectively responding to rapid social changes, constantly increasing human needs, offering new ways to meet them, international tourism becomes both a factor and a kind of intercultural communication, a form and means of dialogue between cultures. International tourism effectively implements the function of interpersonal communication, the interaction of carriers of certain cultural values and ideological stereotypes. International tourism builds relationships of trust and understanding, coordinates the shared values of different cultural communities, and, therefore, is a tool for establishing the dialogue between cultures. The above mentioned allows us to state that the effectiveness of international tourism, which today is perceived not only as a way of providing leisure activities of a person, but involves relaxation and self-realisation of an individual, his adaptation to the changing realities of the world.



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