Comparative Research Method of Contemporary Dramatic Arts
The purpose of the article is to analyse the comparative method specifics in contemporary art history in the context of dramatic arts research in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The research methodology of system-oriented approach involves the following methods: historical method is to study the development of the comparative method; the analytical, structural and logical method is to comprehend and cover the chronology of the historical aspect of the problem, mastering the comparative method specifics; the method of theoretical generalisation is to summarise. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the place and significance of the comparative analysis method in the process of art history research are substantiated, and the main concepts of the principles of interpretation of contemporary dramatic arts in research methods in other branches of humanitarian knowledge are analysed. Conclusions. The integration processes of the world art space of the late 20th and early 21st centuries contributed to the rapid dynamics and expansion of the boundaries of dramatic arts, the introduction of innovative methods and forms, the development of unique artistic complexes of research. Due to the actualisation of the interdisciplinary context in the scientific dimension, the comparative method has recently been actively used in art history research as one of the most interdisciplinary and practical terms of 21st-century scientific issues. The article clearly outlines the features of epistemological, logical, methodological, methodological, ideological, axeological and practical functions of the comparative method of dramatic arts research of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Furthermore, we have specified the place and functions of comparative studies in the context of the peculiarities of contemporary dramatic arts: to compare trends in the development of national dramatic arts, to study their direct and indirect interrelation, typological, inter-art and interdisciplinary connections; to identify similar and different techniques, methods, principles, approaches, etc.; to provide an opportunity to trace the development of scenic processes.
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