Published June 25, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Developing of Directing Skills of the Performing Repertoire with Students of Folk Choral Art Specialization

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to outline the features of the skill formation in folk song directing. Research methodology. While interpreting the possibilities of applying the director’s knowledge in folk music, the authors of the article use the method of analogy. The analytical method is used to identify the basic principles of creative project formation. Scientific novelty. The article systematizes the elements of folk songs directing and comprehensively characterizes the theatricalisation of folk songs as a part of a mass spectacle. Conclusions. The creation of his own project is very important for the development of the professional skills of a future choirmaster. The performing skills of a singer-choirmaster are associated with the competencies that require the disclosure of performance qualities, as well as the skills of ensemble and choral performance, the ability to understand and interpret music. The article demonstrates that during the training of students of "Folk choral art" specialization, creative skills should be realized in various forms that require the skills of screenwriting, directing. Special attention should be paid to the principle of theatricalisation of folk songs. The use of theatrical forms of presentation of the concert programme requires theoretical development of the script, elaboration of each element of the musical action. The choice of musical repertoire, the creation of an appropriate performance interpretation that would not only reproduce the essential content of a particular song, but also be an integral part of the concert programme need to be taken into consideration. The article reveals that the achievement of such a goal is possible under the condition of building a holistic drama and alternation of folk songs, taking into account the concept chosen by the choirmaster, with coherence in the use of costumes, elements of the ritual action, movements and gestures. The ways of music interpretation related to the authentic and psychological reading of the songs are considered, a wide range of scenography tools - scenery, lighting, costumes that will guarantee the attractiveness of the action, is analysed.



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