Published December 5, 2022 | Version 202212
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SocketSense Open Access Data


This is the  summary  of SocketSense's open access data.

SocketSense ( is a EU funded project aimed to develop an innovative advanced sensor-based socket system that will enable comfortable socket manufacturing tailored to patients needs. The cutting-edge technology will use real-time monitoring of residual limb tissues evolvement by collecting data through advanced embedded sensors. The end product will be designed through biomechanical modelling and CAD/CAM tools and finally coming to life via additive manufacturing.
With SocketSense, the prosthetists will be able to achieve a good-fit socket within the same day when the patient needs a new one, and the technique will apply to all lower limb amputees (above knee and below knee).

Publications list

1. Wearable pressure sensing for lower limb amputees. 
2. Fuzzy-logic Inference System for Transfemoral Socket Rectification.
3. Biomechanical response of residual limb: combining shear-wave elastography and finite element analysis. 
4. Ultrasound investigation of muscle size and muscle properties in transfemoral amputees. 
5. Evaluation of Time Series Clustering on Embedded Sensor Platform. 
6. A scoping review of pressure measurements in prosthetic sockets of transfemoral amputees during ambulation: key considerations for sensor design. 
7. Development of Prototype Low Cost QTSS™ Wearable Flexible more Envirofriendly Pressure, Shear and Friction sensors for dynamic Prosthetic Fit Monitoring. 
8. A Sensor-based Decision Support System for Transfemoral Socket Rectification. 
9. A Mechatronics-Twin Framework based on Stewart Platform for Effective Exploration of Operational Behaviors of Prosthetic Sockets with Amputees. 
10. Redundancy Reduction for Sensor Deployment in Prosthetic Socket: A Case Study. 
11. Simultaneous intra-socket shear and pressure measurements of a transfemoral amputee during dynamic and static activities: a feasibility study. 
12. A toolbox for bi-directional conversions between 3D prosthetic socket stress measurements and its representations in 2D. 
13. Analyzing Dynamic Operational Conditions of Limb Prosthetic Sockets with A Mechatronics-Twin Framework. 
14. Master Thesis: Wearable sensors in prosthetic socket. 
15. Master Thesis: Effective Optimization of Deployment for Wearable Sensors in Transfemoral Prosthesis. 


Datasets list

1. RISE_DS01_Development of Prototype Low-Cost QTSS™ Wearable Flexible More Enviro-Friendly Pressure, Shear, and Friction Sensors for Dynamic Prosthetic Fit Monitoring 
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7400478 (This summary repository)
Repository link: 
D.O.I linked Publication:
2. RISE_DS02_Whitepaper on sensors
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7400478 (This summary repository)
Repository link:
D.O.I linked Publication:
3. SAS_DS01_Sensor measurements
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7400478 (This summary repository)
Repository link (Limited access):
4. SAS_DS02_Scales outcomes
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7400478 (This summary repository)
Repository link (Limited access):
5. SAS_DS03_Ultrasound and elastography
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7400478 (This summary repository)
Repository link (Limited access):
6. Össur_DS01_PilotStudy
SocketSense Össur DS01 Pilot Study
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7624740
Repository link:
7. Össur_DS01_PilotStudy_Shear+Pressure
SocketSense Össur DS01 Pilot Study Shear & Pressure
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7624975
Repository link:
8. Össur_DS02_2DResidualLimbMaps
SocketSense Össur DS02 2D Residual Limb Maps
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7625218
Repository link:
9. STH_DS01_Patient data 
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7400478 (This summary repository)
Repository link (Limited access): 
10. KTH_DS01_Sensor Redundancy Reduction
The program involved in the 2022 MDPI Sensors paper “Redundancy Reduction for Sensor Deployment in Prosthetic Socket: A Case Study”.
DOI: D.O.I: 10.5281/zenodo.7615573
Repository link:
11. KTH_DS02_Sensor Clustering
The program involved in the 2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Designpaper “Evaluation of Time Series Clustering on Embedded Sensor Platform”.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7615573
Repository link:
12. KTH_DS03_Stewart_Platform_Mock_Trials
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7713030
Repository link:
13. KTH_DS04_Biomechanical_Model
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7713030
Repository link:
14. KTH_DS05_Finite_Element_Analysis
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7713030
Repository link:
15. TWI_DS01_Samples of Rectified Transfemoral Sockets with Fuzzy-Logic-Based Decision Support System
This dataset contains sample rectified transfemoral sockets as an output of the fuzzy-logic DSS.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7656763
Repository link: 
D.O.I linked Publication:







The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

Additional details


European Commission
SocketSense – Advanced sensor-based design and development of wearable prosthetic socket for amputees 825429