Published August 27, 2018 | Version -
Book Open

Intelectual capital of organization

  • 1. Institut for Serbian Culture


Contact person:

  • 1. Institut for Serbian Culture


The future is in our heads and in our hands. Industrial society is retreating before the new digital society, i.e. electronic and virtual communities which are oriented towards networking and knowledge management. That is why it is important to anticipate new trends, to build visions and strategies that will be implemented in a modern way control instruments.
Innovative companies are run by innovative CEOs who encourage their own employees and reward their ideas. Two components are key: focus and freedom. Focusing on core activities and determining critical positions for
creation of new added value (value added), and freedom, empowerment of employees within participative relations. Focus directs organizationally action and signifies the future market position, and freedom of action enables creativity, innovation, independent decision-making and risk-taking. In order to operate successfully, the company would have to continuously review:
• How do we do business at the moment?
• What are our competitive capabilities?
• What should and could be our business?
• What do our clients want?
• Which clients do we want and can we have?
• Would customers miss us if we disappeared?
• Which market segments should be paid attention to?
• What capability creates the core of our business?
• How do we view innovation technology?
• How does management look for new opportunities and reduce weaknesses?
• How do we manage strategic change and innovation?
• What moves does the immediate competition make?
• What are our weaknesses?
• What changes await us in demographic, political and technological terms?
These are questions that every company's intellectual capital should address




Intelektualni kapital organizacije (1).pdf

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