Published December 19, 2022 | Version Subtelomere1.0
Dataset Open

Part 2: Dataset and script for a manuscript entitled 'Host-specific subtelomere: structural variation and horizontal transfer in asexual filamentous fungal pathogens'

  • 1. Iowa State University


Datasets, scripts and instructions for reproducing some of the results in the manuscript. The file subtelomere.tar needs to be unpacked on a Linux system. After unpacking it, go to the directory subtelomere, which contains a number of subdirectories. One subdirectory is named data, which contains genome assemblies and is used to hold datasets of short reads; the datasets of short reads in the files Data.One.Focb.tar, Data.One.Focb-2.tar and reads.tar on the four-part depository need to be placed in the subdirectory subtelomere/data/reads/. The other subdirectories under the directory subtelomere contain instructions and scripts for reproducing some of the results in the manuscript. Please see the README and z.cmd files in each subdirectory.

The file Data.One.Focb.tar contains 16 files of paired-end reads from F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense TR4 isolates II-5 (SRA accession: SRR10054446), S1B8 (SRR10054447), JV14 (SRR10054448), FOC.TR4-5 (SRR10054449), FOC.TR4-1 (SRR10054450), Col2 (SRR10103605), Col4 (SRR10125423), Col17 (SRR10747097).



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