Public cultural and educational activities of university professors in the Dnieper Ukraine in the post-reformal period
- 1. Doctor of Historical science, Professor of Human study department National university of food technologies (68 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01001).
The article analyzes the leading prerequisites and factors of social and cultural and educational activities of teachers of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa universities in the second half of the 19th – the early 20th c. The following leading prerequisites for this type of activity of professors are highlighted: historical, geographical, demographic, social. Attention is focused on the importance of this type of activity of the teaching staff for the population of cities where higher educational institutions were located. The main factors that determined the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the public and educational activities of scientists in the second half of the 19th c. – the early 20th c. are investigated: socio-political, socio-economic, socio-cultural. It is proved that these prerequisites and factors had a significant impact on the formation of leading trends in the development of cultural and educational activities of Ukrainian universities in the post-reform period. The main periods of public activity of teachers are highlighted. Certain types of public and educational activities are characterized. The tendencies and content of this activity in the context of reforms and socio-economic development of the country are traced. The cultural and educational mission of numerous teachers and graduates of universities is determined: A. Krasnov, V. Antonovych, V. Karavayev, M. Bunge, I. Mechnikov, O. Lazarevsky, O. Potebnya, M. Sumtsov, M. Dovnar-Zapolsky, V. Peretz, V. Ikonnikov, D. Danilevsky, L. Tsenkovsky, I. Betsky, A. Antsiferov, A. Shimkov, L. Hirschman, E. Redin, M. Borysyak, O. Alfyorov, M. Dashkevich and others. Based on the use of historical and pedagogical personalistics as a basic theoretical approach in scientific research, the cultural and organizational mission of these prominent figures is revealed. It is noted that the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth centuries were characterized not so much by the direct public activity of the scientific intelligentsia as by the influence of their ideas on the cultural and educational environment both in Ukraine and abroad. As a result of studying the activities of professors of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa universities, the main trends of that time were identified: the influence of universities on the cultural life of cities, regions, the transfer of intergenerational experience, the expansion of knowledge (literature, history, natural and mathematical sciences, chemistry, biology, art and others). It is concluded that the educational activities of teachers were combined with the appropriate atmosphere in which the society was, and thus the educated environment acquired synergistic properties, characterized by the production of further scientific and educational development, mutual influence of its subjects.
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