Published November 25, 2022 | Version v1
Workflow Open

1st Medieval Latin Transcribathon from Polish Sources

  • 1. Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk: Krakow, PL


The 1st Medieval Latin Transcribathon from Polish Sources crowdsourcing project was developed between September 15 and October 6, 2022. It consisted of the transcription of 11 medieval Latin documents from the Polish Crown Chancery Records in a short period of time by a group of volunteers with varying knowledge of Latin and experience in working on manuscripts. The transcription was carried out by the Transkribus platform, partly with the use of Unicode characters provided in the MUFI specification. The finished editions of the documents will be published on the eFontes project website, and will also become part of the eFontes. Electronic Corpus of Polish Medieval Latin, while the transcriptions prepared during the project will serve as training material for the creation of the HTR models for medieval Latin documents.


1st Medieval Latin Transcribathon from Polish sources.pdf