Published September 2, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

«To the Brothers Abroad»: Emigration Page of «Our Lemko»

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of the multi-layered emigration issues multi-layered emigration issues presentation in the columns of the newspaper “Our Lemko”. The task is to comprehensively reconstruct the resettlement discourse of the magazine “Our Lemko”. The research methodology is based on the combination of principles (historicism and objectivity) and methods (philosophical, general scientific and special-historical) of scientific research, which are usual for works on the historical science. As a result of the study, the multifaceted and diverse emigration issues were identified on the pages of “Our Lemko”, which turns it into a true encyclopedia of foreign Rusynism. This native encyclopedia presented various aspects of the Ukrainian migration movement from the territory of the Eastern Beskids: economic, cultural and educational. By informing Lemkos in detail about the successes of their compatriots abroad, the magazine increased their self-esteem and restored their broken faith in their own strength. However, such introductory work was not aimed at increasing emigration sentiment, but at confirming the need for solidarity to build a better life in the homeland. On the other hand, the newspaper became a communicator between Lemkos in different countries, uniting them with an awareness of the common past and the need to overcome challenges. Nurturing the uniting Ruthenian idea, the magazine proposed a unifying idea of modernizing all aspects of life in the Lemko region, which could be joined by patriotic Ukrainian mountaineers. Thanks to the spread of this activist ideology, the Ruthenians became aware of their national choice and common goal. This was important on the eve of the severe trials for Ukrainians brought on by World War II.



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  • A po tsomu botsi [On this side], 1934. Nash lemko, 22, p. 1.
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  • Do brativ na chuzhyni [To brothers abroad], 1934. Nash lemko, 1, p. 5.
  • Do nashykh chytachiv [To our readers], 1934. Nash lemko, 1, p. 2.
  • Het obman [Get away with deception], 1935. Nash lemko, 8 (32), p. 1.
  • Iak zhyvut nashi braty ukraintsi v Kanadi [How our Ukrainian brothers live in Canada], 1937. Nash lemko, 12 (84), p. 5.
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  • Nashe shchyre vam zasterezhennia [Our sincere warning to you], 1934. Nash lemko, 6, p. 2.
  • Ne mih nakhvalytysya ukrayintsyamy [He could not brag about Ukrainians], 1934. Nash lemko, 22, p. 1.
  • Oi, ne bude tak dobre, Vaniu Huniaka! [Oh, it won't be so good, Vanya Gunyak!], 1934. Nash lemko, 17, p. 3.
  • Pershyi Lemkivskyi konhres v Amerytsi [First Lemko Congress in America], 1936. Nash lemko, 13 (61), p. 2.
  • Pershyi ukrainskyi posol u Niu-Yorku [The first Ukrainian ambassador in New York], 1935. Nash lemko, 24 (48), p. 1.
  • Posly Ukrainy v Kanadi [Ambassadors of Ukraine in Canada], 1934. Nash lemko, 24, p. 4.
  • Posviachenia druhoho ukrainskoho litaka u Zl. Derzhavakh Ameryky [Consecration of the second Ukrainian aircraft in Zl. States of America], 1934. Nash lemko, 22, p. 6.
  • Pro shto bude pysaty "Nash lemko" [What will "Our Lemko" write about], 1934. Nash lemko, 1, p. 2.
  • Prosvita v Arhentyni [Education in Argentina], 1935. Nash lemko, 2 (26), p. 2.
  • Svidomi braty v Amerytsi [Conscious brothers in America], 1934. Nash lemko, 22, p.4.
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  • Tsinne pysmo z Ameryky [Valuable letter from America], 1937. Nash lemko, 7 (79), p. 5.
  • Ukraina za dalekymy moriamy [Ukraine beyond distant seas], 1936. Nash lemko, 13 (61), p. 3.
  • Ukrainskyi bukvar v Amerytsi [Ukrainian primer in America], 1935. Nash lemko, 2 (26), p.1.
  • Ukrainskyi den v Chikaho [Ukrainian Day in Chicago], 1935. Nash lemko, 20 (44), p. 2.
  • Ukrainskyi tanets otrymav vyznannia v Niu-Yorku [Ukrainian dance received recognition in New York], 1935. Nash lemko, 21 (45), p. 1.
  • Ukraintsi-lemky – naikrashchi pratsivnyky. Lemkivshchyna – naikrashcha kraina v Yevropi [Ukrainian Lemkas are the best workers. Lemkivshchyna is the best country in Europe], 1935. Nash lemko, 6 (30), pp.2–3.
  • Vsiudy dobre, de nas nemaie [Everywhere is good where we are not], 1934. Nash lemko, 9, p. 4.
  • Zizd lemkiv u Niuiorku [Congress of Lemkos in New York], 1935. Nash lemko, 19 (43), p. 5.