Published November 24, 2022 | Version 1
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KADMOS: a Finite Element code for the calculation of apparent K-Ar ages in minerals

  • 1. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
  • 2. Yale University


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  • 1. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz


Here we provide two versions of KADMOS software (MATLAB and OCTAVE) together with an extensive documentation.

KADMOS is set of MATLAB routines that can be used to calculate the apparent 40K-40Ar (and the associated 40Ar-39Ar) ages as a function of a sample’s thermal history. KADMOS is originally written in MATLAB language and utilizes the Finite-Element Method (FEM) with grid refinement. The advantage of KADMOS is that it has been optimized for accuracy, performance and for maximum flexibility with respect to the modelled scenarios. KADMOS can be used to evaluate the apparent ages of various crystals and various geometries (planar, cylindrical & spherical) simultaneously

Please read the documentation first for further instructions.



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