Published June 17, 2017 | Version v1
Video/Audio Open

NERC MSTRF Sky-Camera Time-Lapse Video for 2008-07-13 18:00 UTC.


A time-lapse video showing Cirrostratus clouds giving rise to a 22° Halo around the Sun. A number of aircraft Contrails pass through the field of view and a Sun Dog can be seen briefly towards the end of the sequence. This video has been created from images taken by the NERC MST Radar Facility's Sky-Camera, which is located near Aberystwyth in West Wales. The images are freely available, under an Open (UK) Government License, from . For an explanation of the atmospheric phenomena that can be seen, download the resource available at .


Previously curated at: The publish date on this item was its original published date. This item was previously associated with content (as an official url) at: This work was funded by: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC); and, National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). Associated projects: National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) Observations Main files in this record: nerc-mstrf-sky-camera_time-lapse_20080713-1800_Cirrostratus-Halo.mp4 Item originally deposited with Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) document repository by Dr David Hooper. Transferred to CEDA document repository community on Zenodo on 2022-11-24.



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