Published November 24, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Influence of Intensive Growth Strategies on Performance of Registered SMEs in Kisumu County


The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of intensive growth strategy on the performance of SMEs in the county of Kisumu, Kenya. Anchored on the theories of system and dynamics capabilities the study sort to specifically establish the influence of market penetration on the performance of these SMEs. A correlational research design was adopted. The study was carried out on a sample of 384 respondents from over 7,000 SMEs in the county. Simple random sampling technique was used to identify the respondents. Collection data was done using structured questionnaires whose reliability was checked by the experts in the department. The instruments reliability was checked by Cronbach “s reliability coefficient .Data analysis was done using both descriptive and inferential methods while results were presented using tables .The findings of the study revealed that marked penetration had the strongest significant effect on the performance (=. 353,p<.05) thus the null hypotheses was rejected .It was concluded that intensive growth strategies have a positive and significance effect on the performance of SMEs in the county of Kisumu .The study recommended that market penetration be enhanced in order to improve the performance of these SMEs. The findings may aide the SMEs stakeholders and the government to lift the economic growth and develop relevant policies through an intensive growth strategy.



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