Published December 16, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

ITLA and Reenchanting Terraces in Peru

  • 1. Ministry of Education, Paucartambo Province, Cusco
  • 2. Center Bartolome de las Casas
  • 3. ITLA Coordinator and Hon Research Fellow at CAWR, Coventry University


In Peru there are currently about one million hectares of terraces of different characteristics that integrate Andean Amazonian territories (Agrorural 2021; Massón 1993). Of these, approximately 40% are in production thanks to the management of the peasant communities integrating life, water and territory.  Peru is a very diverse tropical mountain country, ranging from one of the driest deserts in the world to the highest rainfall tropical forests. It is cultivated from sea level to over 4000 m above sea level and the terraces integrate the territory harmoniously, interrelating water and soil management especially in the Yunga and Quechua regions (2000 to 4000 masl) (Pulgar Vidal 1981).
We analyse the importance of the Andean terraces for the Buenvivir (Wellbeing) of the Andean communities based on the presentations by 25 activists, researchers and peasant farmers in five virtual conferences since November 2020 until May 2021 organised by ITLA Peru coordinated by the Center Bartolome de las Casas that led to review the political proposals of commercial production vs. the application of Andean peasant agroecology. 
We practice an intercultural approach in field research during 2021 and propose it for the organisation of the International Seminar on Andean terraces in the context of modernity to be held in the first semester of 2022.  We propose to rethink an alternative development from the mountain perspective by decolonising the mainstream concepts thought from the plains and the cities.


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Journal article: 2754-7639 (ISSN)


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