The Impact of Soil Tension on Isotope Fractionation, Transport, and Spatial-Temporal Origin of Root Water Uptake
This respository includes the executables and HYDRUS-1D projects to run the HYDURS-1D isotope transport model.
Software Description: The software is located in file folder "Executables". The exectuable in the "Non_Frac and CG_Frac" can be used to produce the modeling results for the Non_Frac and CG_Frac scenarios in this study. The exectuable in the "Non_Frac and TC_Frac" can be used to obtain the modeling results for the Non_Frac and TC_Frac scenarios in this study.
How to run it: To use the code, you can simply replace the h1d_calc.exe file in the HYDRUS installation folder.
Data: The corresponding HYDRUS projects include "lb01_l_no_frac_h", "lb01_l_no_frac_o", "lb01_l_cg_frac_h", "lb01_l_cg_frac_o", "lb01_l_TC_frac_h", "lb01_l_TC_frac_o" represent the Non_Frac scenario for 2H, Non_Frac scenario for 18O, CG_Frac scenario for 2H, CG_Frac scenario for 18O, TC_Frac scenario for 2H, TC_Frac scenario for 18O, respectively.