Published November 17, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The UN Sustainable Development Goals: Global Objectives for the New Millennium through the Lens of 3 NGO Management Cases


Abstract: In attempting to articulate the ugly nature of both inequality and poverty, we explore the realities of what life is like for the world’s Have-Nots. The suffering of the “poorest of the poor” has been exacerbated by the past several years of COVID-19 and its toll in terms of illness, death, and economic challenges. Virtually all areas of the globe have faced new hardships, whether Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean and/or Middle East, North America, Australia, and Europe. This study utilizes the process of action research to design new social enterprises, implement them, apply field work methods for collecting data, and hereby documenting the results. The focus will center on grassroots innovations to design nonprofit organizations that go beyond humanitarian relief to generate real change, deep, substantive and sustainable strategies. Two facets of this work are explored. The first area of this research is social entrepreneurship, an approach by which students and professors are activists focused on reducing human suffering in its many forms The second is that of microfinance in which tiny loans are given to poor women to enable them to rise from abject poverty. Small, Utah-based techniques have arisen in college classrooms as laboratories for social innovation. After their development as practical models, they have then been implemented in communities of the poor in dozens of countries. Their methods are explained and the results are reported and assessed.

Keywords: United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals, Poverty, Inequality. 

Title: The UN Sustainable Development Goals: Global Objectives for the New Millennium through the Lens of 3 NGO Management Cases

Author: Prof. Warner Woodworth

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Vol. 10, Issue 2, October 2022 - March 2023

Page No: 212-222

Research Publish Journals


Published Date: 16-November-2022


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International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, ISSN 2348-7585 (Online), Research Publish Journals,Website:


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