Published May 25, 2007 | Version v1
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Theatrvm legale mvndi: Symbola Cs. Varga oblata, ed. Péter Cserne – István H. Szilágyi – Miklós Könczöl – Máté Paksy – Péter Takács – Szilárd Tattay



Papers by twenty-two Hungarian, two-two British, French and Italian, as well as one-one Austrian, Canadian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Japanese, Slovene, Spanish and Swedish authors mostly in legal philosophy

Preface v

Contributors ix

Abbreviations xiii

Attila Badó – Mátyás Bencze: Reforming the Hungarian Lay Justice System 1

Chongko Choi: East Asian Encounter with Western Law and Emergence of Asian Jurisprudence 15

Lajos Cs. Kiss: Karl Mannheims Rezeption in Ungarn 27

Péter Cserne: How to Use Philosophy, Economics and Psychology in Jurisprudence: The Case of Paternalism in Contract Law 67

Jørgen Dalberg-Larsen: Policy of Law and Codifications 93

Péter Erdő: Kirchenrechtliche Aspekte der Bischofssynode 107

Carla Faralli: Challenges in Contemporary Legal Philosophy 123

Balázs Fekete: In the Matrix of Global Governance: Reflections on the Transformation of Statehood in the Age of Global Governance 131

Volkmar Gessner: Regulation and Support International Business in a Global Legal Culture 147

Christopher Berry Gray: Kelsen’s Kairos: The Secessionary Moment and Its Validation 161

Tamás Győrfi: Jurisprudence of Reasons? The Dworkin–Schauer Debate 175

István H. Szilágyi: Barna Horváth’s Genius 189

András Jakab: Critical Remarks on Alexy’s Theory of Principles 203

János Jany: Legal Pluralism in Islamic and Jewish Law during their Formative and Classical Period 221

András Karácsony: Legal Hermeneutics in German Jurisprudence 243

Keziban Kilic – Máté Paksy: À la recherche du meilleur droit possible: Trois aspects de l’ontologie juridique leibnizienne 255

Peter Koller: Die Idee sozialer Gleichheit 275

Miklós Könczöl: Justice to Future Generations and the Problem of Uncertainty: Some Communitarian Approaches 289

David Nelken: Legal Culture, Transnational Legal Processes and Conformity 303

Vittorio Olgiati: The Preamble of the Treaty that Institutes a Constitution for Europe: A Question of Virtual Reality 321

Esın Örücü: Some Problems and Pitfalls in Researching Law in Foreign Jurisdictions 339

Marijan Pavčnik: The Rule of Law Argument Its Elements and Some Open Questions and Cases 361

Zoltán Péteri: Droit et culture: Aux origines de la comparaison des cultures juridiques 377

Béla Pokol: Einbeziehung der Herrschaftsdimension in die Luhmannsche Systemtheorie 393

Jiri Priban: From the Spirit of the Laws to the Politics of Identity: A Critique of Ethno-Nationalist Fantasies and their Legalisations 415

Nikolas H. M. Roos: Theodicee God: Guilty as Charged? 439

Juan Igartua Salaverría: Some Cautionary Observations with Regard to the Judicial Evaluation of »Scientific Evidence« 457

Mihály Samu: Collective Rights of Minorities and their Quality as Constituent of the State 469

Marie Sandström: The Swedish Model – Three Aspects of Legal Methodology 475

József Szabadfalvi: Prima Philosophia Iuris: A Sketch of Bódog Somló’s Legal Philosophical Oeuvre 485

Miklós Szabó: Propositions in Law 499

Péter Szilágyi: Zum Verhältnis der Rechtstheorie und der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Ungarn 517

Péter Takács: Der Begriff des Gemeinwohls 527

Szilárd Tattay: Ius and Dominium in Thomas Aquinas 539

Jean-Marc Trigeaud: Immutabilité et changement dans le politique et le droit 553

Antal Visegrády: The Developmental Tendencies of the National Legal Systems in the European Union 579

János Zlinszky: Römisches Recht – Beispielsammlung für Rechtsphilosophie und Staatskunde 589

Bibliography of Csaba Varga’s Works 609


mostly in English,, some in German or French (Budapest: Societas Sancti Stephani 2007) xiii + 674 [Philosophiæ Ivris / Bibliotheca ivridica: Libri amicorvm 24 / Xenia]



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