Published November 11, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Challenges of Privacy and Access Control as Key Perspectives for the Future Electric Smart Grid

  • 1. University of Western Macedonia
  • 2. IDENER
  • 3. International Hellenic University


The Electric Smart Grid (ESG) is referred to as the next generation electricity power
network. The ESG is an intelligent critical infrastructure subject to various security vulnerabilities and
especially data privacy breaches. This study presents a comprehensive overview of the latest privacypreserving
mechanisms and policies in the ESG, while promoting the employment of modern access
control techniques towards preventing personal data disclosure, affecting both utility companies and
consumers. Efficient categorization is provided regarding the proposed privacy preserving methods and
characteristics, while focus is also given on the use of the Blockchain technology and the Multi Authority
Access Control paradigm in the ESG infrastructure. The study concludes with a discussion upon privacy
and access control challenges, as well as future work concerning the ESG.



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SDN-microSENSE – SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm 833955
European Commission