Published August 30, 2022 | Version 01
Journal article Open

Vector Bionomics, Potential Vectors, Susceptibility and Bio-efficacy of LLINs Nets on Anopheles Mosquitoes in Nanyin Village Bunmouk Township Sagaing Region in Myanmar

  • 1. Department of Medical Research
  • 2. ICEMR Research Project
  • 3. VBDC Department of Health
  • 4. Township Medical Officer, Bunmouk Township, Sagaing Region.


Contact person:

  • 1. Department of Medical Research


Nanyin village is a malaria endemic area consisting of Bunmouk Township Sagaing Region in Myanmar. Ohnpinkone and Bwedarkone wards were chosen for measuring vector bionomics, potential vectors, susceptibility and bio-efficacy of long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) (due to high prevalence of P. falciparum) in both wards from December 2019 to October 2020. A total of 3236 and 3019 Anopheles mosquitoes consist of 12 species were collected from both Ohnpinkone and Bwedarkone wards. Anopheles barbirostris was found highest number (1088 and 820) followed by An. philippinensis (267 and 605) in both areas. Higher number of Anopheles mosquitoes were collected by Cattle bait catching method followed by Indoor Light traps method. The highest was collected in October in Ohnpinkone and September in Bwedarkone. In Ohnpinkone, the highest was collected in April by outdoor and August in indoor light trap and March by outdoor and June by indoor light traps in Bwedarkone. Higher number of main vectors of An. minimus and An. dirus were collected in Ohnpinkone than Bwedarkone and highest number of An. minimus was collected by cattle bait (77) followed by indoor light method (72) in Ohnpinkone. Only 11and 3 An. dirus were collected, of this 9 and 1 number were collected by indoor light traps method from both wards. One An. minimus from Ohnpinkone was found sporozoite positive (0.47%). Main vector An. minimus was collected highest in April in Ohnpinkone and June in Bwedarkone. Susceptibility status of primary and secondary vectors were found susceptible to Pyrethroid insecticides. Bio-efficacy of all tested LLINs nets were found lower efficacy 20% and 63.33% in both wards. Main vector of An. minimus was collected year round in large number in both areas as well as sporozoite positive and An. dirus was available in both areas. Therefore, both areas are highly malaria risk areas and need to proper treatment and control measure using RIS and supply new LLINs nets or retreatment with deltamethrin to old nets according to WHO guideline to ovoid malaria transmission.     



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