There is a newer version of the record available.

Published October 19, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

5G-IANA - D1.1 - Project management plan

  • 1. ICCS


[Deliverable pending final approval by the EC] The present document fulfills the requirement of deliverable D1.1 – Project Management Plan – of 5G-IANA within WP1. Deliverable D1.1 lays out the organisational structure and the management procedures and processes that 5G-IANA will employ in order to ensure that the workflow is smooth and that a good system of internal communication exists to ensure the efficient running of the Project. 


5G-IANA - D1.1 - Project management plan - revision.pdf

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European Commission
5G-IANA – 5G Intelligent Automotive Network Applications 101016427