Published October 4, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Capability Enhancement Plan for School Heads Anchored on the National Competency-Based Standards

  • 1. Schools Division of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Norte, Philippine
  • 2. Divine Word College of Laoag, Laoag City, Philippines


A 21st-century school leader requires continuous improvement. School heads must discover their strengths to realize the Department of Education’s vision, mission, and core values. This research was conducted to develop a capability enhancement plan (CEP) for school heads based on the competencies in the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads Training and Development Needs Assessment (NCBSSH-TDNA). School heads, teachers, and supervisors were the respondents of the study. The study utilized two instruments: the level of competence of school heads based on NCBSSH-TDNA; and the content validity of the capability enhancement plan for school heads. Mean and analysis of variance were the statistical tools used to interpret the data gathered. Results showed that the school heads need enhancement training along the seven domains for school leadership and management. Findings revealed that significant differences exist in respondents’ perceptions of the level of competence in school leadership, instructional leadership, personal and professional attributes, and personal effectiveness. Also, the developed CEP was evaluated by the panel of experts as very highly valid. It indicates that the plan is acceptable for implementation. It is concluded that the school heads are not adequately equipped with the competencies relative to their functions and roles. Hence, using the CEP is highly recommended to the school heads to their knowledge, strengthen their skills, and improve their attitudes and qualities.


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