Published October 15, 2022 | Version v1
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Innovative security technological solutions in the system of manufacturing products for the population of territories with technogenic load

  • 1. Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade


The section is devoted to the development and substantiation of scientific provisions for the construction of intelligent control systems for the industrial production of bread with built-in intensifiers of technological processes of ultrasonic nature in the context of ensuring food security. The main scientific results of the work are mathematical models of the processes of preparation and improvement of water quality indicators, preparation and dosage of flour, preparation of bread starter, dough, dispersion for dough of functional applications, proofing and baking processes using ultrasonic monitoring and intensification systems; designing local adaptive control systems for relevant processes; theoretical substantiation of an intelligent control system for the production of bakery products with the development of a conceptual project "Intellectual enterprise for the production of bread for areas with technogenic pressure". It is proved that the development of a reference problem under the conditions of uncertainty of external and internal disturbances not controlled by sensors can be evaluated by an expert system for the formation of algorithms for controlling the technological process of bread production. Thus, the paper systematizes for the first time the theoretical and practical results of intelligent control of complex technological processes for the production of bakery products with digital control algorithms for food industry enterprises in the areas of technogenic load.


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