Lynx lynx
Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758). Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:43.
TYPE LOCALITY: "Europae sylvis and desertis", subsequently restricted by Thomas (1911a: 136) to "Wennersborg, S. Sweden ".
DISTRIBUTION: Taiga forests from Scandinavia through E Siberia and Sakhalin; from China (Gansu, Qinghai, Shaanxi, and Sichuan) through montane Europe (formerly widespread, now restricted to Balkans, Carpathians, Pyreneans [French side], and Alps; reintroduced to French Vosges and Jura Mt., Swiss Alps, Austria, and Yugoslavia).
STATUS: CITES - Appendix II.
SYNONYMS: borealis Thunberg, 1798; carpathicus Kratochvfl and Stollmann, 1963; cervaria Temminck, 1824; dinniki Satunin, 1915; isabellina Blyth, 1847; kamensis Satunin, 1904; kozlovi Fetisov, 1950; lupulinus Thunberg, 1825; lyncula Nilsson, 1820; martinoi Mirfc, 1978; neglectus Stroganov, 1962; orientalis Satunin, 1905; stroganovi Heptner, 1969; tibetanus Gray, 1863; vulgaris Kerr, 1792; vulpinus Thunberg, 1825; wardi Lydekker, 1904; wrangeli Ognev, 1928.
COMMENTS: Does not include L. canadensis or L. pardina, following Matyushkin (1979), Garcfa-Perea (1992), and Werdelin (1981). Includes isabellina (Gao, in Gao, 1987:336). Reviewed by Tumlison (1987, Mammalian Species, 269, as Felis lynx).
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- Book chapter: 10.5281/zenodo.7359191 (DOI)
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- Thomas, O. 1911 a. The mammals of the tenth edition of Linnaeus; an attempt to fix the types of the genera and the exact bases and localities of the species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1911: 120 - 158.
- Stroganov, S. U. 1962. Zveri Sibiri. Khishchye [Animals of Siberia. Carnivores]. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 458 pp. (in Russian).
- Kerr, R. 1792. The animal kingdom, or zoological system, of the celebrated Sir Charles Linnaeus; class I: Mammalia. London, J. Murray & R. Faulder, 664 pp.
- Ognev, S. I. 1928. Zveri vostochnoi Evropy i severnoi Azii: Nasekomoyadnye i letychie myshi [Mammals of eastern Europe and northern Asia: Insectivora and Chiroptera]. Glavnauka, Moscow, 1: 1 - 631 (in Russian).
- Matyushkin, E. N. 1979. Rysi Golarktiki [Lynx of the Holarctic]. Pp. 76 - 162, in Mlekopitayushchie: Issledovaniya po faune Sovetskovo Soyuza [Mammals: Investigations on the fauna of the Soviet Union] (O. L. Rossolimo, ed). Sbornik Trudov Zoologicheskovo Muzeya MGU, 13: 1 - 279 (in Russian).
- Werdelin, L. 1981. The evolution of lynxes. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 18: 37 - 71.
- Gao Yao-ting (ed.). 1987. [Fauna Sinica, Mammalia: Carnivora]. Science Press, Academia Sinica, Beijing, 377 pp. (in Chinese).
- Tumlison, R. 1987. Felis lynx. Mammalian Species, 269: 1 - 8.