Published October 28, 2022 | Version v1
Software Open

Space Physics data analysis with Speasy

  • 2. IRAP, UPS, CNRS
  • 3. LESIA, Observatoire de Paris


Online material for the manuscript 'Space Physics data analysis with AMDA, TOPCAT and 3Dview' Submitted to the European Journal of Physics, by Modolo et al.

The material consists of two python scripts,one for the computation of the shock normal  using the Minimum Variance  Analysis of the magnetic field and a second script for the determination of the DeHoffmann-Teller frame.

Abstract of the manuscript :

The solar system is a natural laboratory to study plasma processes. The large fleet of space borne platforms with in situ instrumentation evolving around the Earth and planets provide a great opportunity to test and verify theoretical concepts. Most of the time a multi-instrument analysis is required to tackle a science question. With the heterogeneity of the data and their sources,  scientists spend a lot of energy and time for searching, nding, treating and preparing the data before even starting scienti c analysis. This is even worst for undergraduate students who are not familiar with space observations. We report on the use of Virtual Observatory analysis and visualisation tools that facilitate the data access and data management with an application to the quantity conservation across the terrestrial Bow Shock. The science objective is to examine the Rankine-Hugoniot relationships and test them with in situ plasma data, and with a minimum code writing investment. This sequence is based on three open-source / open-access tools that are AMDA (Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis), 3Dview and TOPCAT (Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables).


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