Published October 31, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Reporting a near term pregnancy with septate uterus presenting with abruption.

  • 1. (Department of OBGY, Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital )



A uterine septum is believed to develop as a result of failure of resorption of the tissue connecting the two paramesonephric (mullerian) ducts prior to the 20th embryonic week.(1) Septate uterus is described under class V of the  AFS classification.It is of two types Complete septate uterus (septum upto internal os ) and partial septate uterus.(2) The mean incidence for septate uterus is 35%.(3)Septate anomalies are associated with diminished fertility and increased risks for adverse pregnancy outcomes that include miscarriage, preterm delivery, and malpresentation . Hysteroscopic septal resection has been shown to improve pregnancy rates and outcomes.(2) Patient with septate uterus donot have difficulty in conceiving but the pregnancy frequency ends in abortion or premature birth. Although patient presents with early pregnancy loss, but we are presenting   a case who had had an uneventful early pregnancy period  and   presented as a case of abruption near term.


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