Published October 27, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

FAIRChemistry_ Webinar 01_"What is a chemical? Handling Chemical Data Across Disciplines"

  • 1. University of North Florida: Jacksonville, FL, US
  • 2. The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC)
  • 3. Cornell University
  • 4. IUPAC


This is the first webinar of the “What is a Chemical webinar series 2022” organized by the IUPAC WorldFAIR Chemistry project on September 22, 2022. This series is composed of three webinars in total. In this webinar, guest speakers were hosted to deliver flash presentation. The talks covered various disciplines where chemical data is handled. They were followed by a panel discussion. The agenda is attached.


  • Ian Bruno, IUPAC CPCDS and CCDC

Speakers and Presentations:

Emma Schymanski

LCSB and University of Luxembourg

Environmental Sciences

Iseult Lynch

University of Birmingham, UK

Nanomaterials: Chemicals and Particles

Lesley Wyborn

1. Australian National University, Acton, Australia; 2. AuScope Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

What is a (Geo)Chemical Analysis: A High Level View

Kerstin Lehnert

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, NY, US

Chemicals in Astromaterials

Marie-Lise Dubernet


Chemistry in astrophysics : Atoms and Molecules (Slides and Video)

Ken Kroenlein

Citrine Informatics

Chemical Identification in Materials Informatics

Dylan Walsh

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, US

Community Resource for Innovation in Polymer Technology - Mission: Open-Source Polymer Data Ecosystem


Available here 


The recording of the full webinar is available at the IUPAC YouTube Channel


Chemical substances touch on all areas of laboratory science and chemistry underlies many critical worldwide issues, including climate, health, food availability and sustainable development. Increased reporting of machine-readable chemical data will support active research in chemistry and related sciences worldwide and will be essential to the development of the interdisciplinary science critical to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals and UNESCO’s priorities around Open Science. IUPAC is the world authority on chemical nomenclature, terminology, and standardized methods of measurement, and is engaging in a concerted effort through collaboration with the broader chemistry and data science communities to translate a range of assets and activities into the digital domain. IUPAC is leading the chemistry WorldFAIR project-WP3, an EU funded program, aiming to align standards development and implementation with the FAIR data principles. This will facilitate development of guidelines, tools and validation services that support scientists to share and store chemical data in a FAIR manner and support the ability to compile and interpret data across scientific disciplines this webinar series, we aim to:

1.     Understand the chemical substances notations within multi-disciplines (geochemistry, nanochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, oceanography, crystallography, etc.).

2.     Explore the data bases that are used in these applied areas, and to understand the current ways of communication and accessing data by other groups.

3.     Investigate the various digital and machine-readable depiction ways or notations of chemical substances, reactions, and datasets.

Overall, the webinar series will highlight the status of working with chemical notations, development of digital tools to transform chemical notations into digital entities and ways to implement FAIR data principles across the chemical enterprise.

Take out Points and Notes:

Find the shared notes attached


Polls and Feedback:

Find the poll results attached


Other Webinars in the Series:

Webinar 02: “What is a chemical? Applying Chemical Data to Industrial Challenges”
Webinar 03: “What is a chemical? User’ Perspectives on Digital Machine Readable Depictions"
Webinar 04: “What is a chemical? Innovations in Chemical Descriptions"




*WorldFAIR "Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice" is funded by the EC HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-41 Coordination and Support Action under Grant Agreement No. 101058393.


FAIRChemistry_Webinar 01_09222022_Poll.pdf

Files (909.9 kB)

Additional details


WorldFAIR – Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice 101058393
European Commission