Published October 26, 2022 | Version 0.1
Conference paper Open

5GASP: Security and Trust in 5G Network Applications Deployment and Operation

  • 1. Odin Solutions S.L., Spain


The adoption of 5G solutions in the industry vertical passes through the empowering of 5G-based Network Applications in the SMEs. This will unleash their potential with respect to the use of 5G technologies, while preparing them for beyond 5G. H2020-5GASP project aims to create an open, and inter-domain 5G NFV-based reference ecosystem of 5G European experimental facilities for SMEs, fully automated and self-service, in order to foster rapid development and testing of new and innovative 5G Network Applications, which will be built using the proposed 5G reference architecture. Furthermore, it will provide security and trust of 3rd party IPR running in the deployed testbed.


This work has been supported by Fundación Séneca — Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia — under the FPI Grant 21429/FPI/20, and co-funded by Odin Solutions S.L., Región de Murcia (Spain); by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Industrial PhD grant DIN2019-010827; and by the European Commission, under the 5GASP (Grant No. 101016448) H2020 project.



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5GASP – 5G Application & Services experimentation and certification Platform 101016448
European Commission