Published October 24, 2022 | Version 0.1
Software Open


  • 1. University of Strathclyde and SUPA


Ising Toolkit

Entanglement Entropy of a region of an output state of a Haar-random circuit is dual to the free energy different of an Ising model where region is pinned to -1 and rest is +1, 
and  everywhere is pinned as +1 (c.f. Hayden et al. (2016)).

This software has a feature of converting a circuit with given Haar-random circuit to a corresponding lattice model.
Then using Monte-Carlo solves classical Ising model on a lattice with non-trivial connectivity. 

I've given an example on calculating Renyi-2 Entropy from free energy difference computed with BAR method.

Please cite this software as
* Tomohiro Hashizume. (2022) IsingToolkit 0.1.


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  • Hayden, P., Nezami, S., Qi, X.-L., Thomas, N., Walter, M., & Yang, Z. (2016). Holographic duality from random tensor networks. In Journal of High Energy Physics (Vol. 2016, Issue 11). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Bennett, C. H. (1976). Efficient estimation of free energy differences from Monte Carlo data. In Journal of Computational Physics (Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 245–268). Elsevier BV.