Leptostylus dentatus Monné & Santos-Silva 2022, sp. nov.
- 1. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, 20940.040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. monne @ uol. com. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8825 - 3122
- 2. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Leptostylus dentatus sp. nov.
(Figs 17–22, 28–29)
Description. Holotype male (Figs 17–20, 28–29). Integument mostly dark brown; ventral mouthparts reddish brown, except apex of palpomeres partially dark brown with light apex, especially apex of maxillary palpomere IV and labial palpomere III; anteclypeus and labrum brown; scape, pedicel, and antennomere III dark brown; antennomeres IV–XI with dark reddish brown ring, after middle on IV, from basal quarter to about posterior third on V–XI; gulamentum reddish brown anteriorly, yellowish brown toward prothorax. Pronotum and elytra blackish. Coxae and trochanters partially reddish brown. Ventrites 1–4 with irregular dark reddish brown areas interspersed; central area of ventrite 5 dark reddish brown basally, gradually lighter toward apex.
Head. Frons densely, finely punctate; with dense and complex pubescence pattern, especially with grayishwhite pubescence toward clypeus, with pale yellow pubescence interspersed centrally, with pale yellow pubescent band close to eyes, with white pubescent macula centrally between eyes, and remaining surface with both grayishwhite and dark-brown pubescence interspersed. Area between antennal tubercles with dense yellowish-brown pubescence, except glabrous median groove, and irregular dark-brown pubescent macula close to frons; area between upper eye lobes with abundant pale yellowish-brown pubescence, except a few glabrous, small spots surrounding shallow and coarse punctures close to eyes; with short, erect black seta on each puncture close to eyes. Remaining surface of vertex with dense whitish pubescent band centrally, brownish pubescent macula on each side of whitish band, anterior margin of brownish maculae rounded, and dense yellowish-white pubescence laterally. Area behind upper eye lobes with dense yellowish-brown pubescence close to eye, with irregular brownish pubescent maculae interspersed. Area behind lower eye lobes with dense yellowish-brown pubescence on superior area close to eye, almost glabrous on central area close to eye; inferior region with abundant pale yellowish-brown pubescence close to eye, and somewhat abundant yellowish-white pubescence, with brownish pubescence interspersed, this area distinctly wider than pubescent area on superior region; area close to prothorax glabrous. Genae with abundant pale yellow pubescence close to eye, yellowish-white, sparser close to clypeus, with brownish, decumbent setae interspersed on remaining surface, except glabrous apex; with a few long, erect dark brown setae interspersed close to eye. Antennal tubercles with sculpturing as on frons; with dense, both pale yellowish-brown and brownish pubescence interspersed. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant, both short and long, yellowish-white and yellowish-brown setae not obscuring integument, absent centrally, and on very long, erect dark brown seta on each side. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum with abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument posteriorly, glabrous anteriorly, except dense fringe of short yellowish-brown setae on anterior margin; with long, erect, thick translucent yellowish setae interspersed on posterior pubescence. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous, except a few short, decumbent dark yellowish-brown setae on intermaxillary process. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.18 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.48 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.4 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex near apex of antennomere X. Scape with dense whitish pubescence, except yellowish-brown pubescence on base of dorsal and lateral surfaces, dark-brown pubescent close to yellowish-brown pubescence on dorsal and lateral surfaces, dark brown pubescent ring apically, irregular brownish pubescent spots interspersed on whitish pubescence, and glabrous base of ventral surface; ventral surface with a few long, erect dark setae on posterior half. Pedicel mostly with dark brown pubescence, with lighter, decumbent setae interspersed. Antennomeres III–IV with irregular, both yellowish-white and dark brown pubescence interspersed, except apex entirely with dark brown pubescence. Antennomeres V–XI with dark brown pubescence basally and apically, and dense yellowish-white pubescence remaining surface, yellowish-white pubescence with irregular brownish pubescent maculae interspersed on some antennomeres. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.94; pedicel = 0.17; IV = 0.77; V = 0.50; VI = 0.41; VII = 0.37; VIII = 0.34; IX = 0.30; X = 0.26; XI = 0.31.
Thorax. Prothorax wider than long; with large, somewhat conical tubercle on middle, with apex slightly directed upward. Pronotum with four tubercles on anterior third, one on each side near sides of prothorax, another on each side of middle; with three tubercles slightly after middle, one on each side, fused to lateral tubercle of prothorax by somewhat elevated area, another centrally; somewhat abundantly, coarsely punctate between tubercles, and with row of coarser punctures centrally near posterior margin; with three dark brown pubescent maculae close to anterior margin, lateral ones wider and slightly longer, and three longitudinal dark brown pubescent bands on posterior third, starting on posterior margin and ending on apex of posterior tubercles, lateral ones sinuous, widened toward posterior margin, and central one subtriangular shaped; remaining anterior fifth, remaining posterior third, parts of sides, and most of central area up to posterocentral dark pubescent band with dense white pubescence; remaining surface with dense, slightly brownish-yellow pubescence. Sides of prothorax somewhat sparsely, coarsely punctate, with dense whitish pubescence, slightly sparser close to anterior margin and prosternum, except large dark brown pubescent macula centrally close to posterior margin. Prosternum with pale yellowish-brown pubescence laterally, not obscuring integument, and short, decumbent, scale-shaped white setae interspersed; remaining surface with sparse, short, decumbent, scale-shaped white setae, slightly more abundant centrally and short, decumbent, thick pale yellowish-brown setae interspersed. Prosternal process with setae as on central area of prosternum, except almost glabrous apical region; narrowest area 0.46 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite with sparse pale yellowish-brown pubescence, except thick white setae on each side close to mesocoxal cavities. Mesanepisternum, mesepimeron, metanepisternum, and sides of metaventrite with abundant pale yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, and irregular brownish pubescent spots interspersed; remaining surface of metaventrite with abundant whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument, pubescence sparser on each side of glabrous central region, and irregular brownish pubescent spots interspersed, brownish spots absent toward metathoracic discrimen. Scutellum with blackish pubescence on sides of basal half, dense whitish pubescence centrally, and both yellowish and whitish pubescence on remaining surface. Elytra. Subparallel-sided on anterior 2/3, gradually narrowed toward oblique apex on posterior third; abundantly, coarsely punctate, part of punctures covered by pubescence; pubescence on dorsal anterior 2/3 mostly whitish, with its apex projected backward and subtruncate from center of elytra to suture, except: yellowish pubescence on humeral region; arched, transverse dark-brown pubescent band on center of anterior seventh; brownish-yellow pubescence on circum-scutellar region, reaching area between arched dark-brown pubescent bands; oblique, wide brownish pubescent band from outer apex of arched dark-brown pubescent band to suture; oblique, slightly arched brownish pubescent band after middle, from suture to middle center of elytra; dense tufts of short erect pale yellow setae from base to apex of whitish dorsal pubescence, tufts subaligned, except oblique band of yellowish-brown tufts from dark-brown oblique band to suture, and white pubescent tufts on sides of posterior region of dorsal whitish pubescence. Whitish dorsal pubescence forming wide oblique band reaching epipleural margin on its apex, then oblique projected toward center of posterior quarter of elytra; sides from base to whitish pubescence after middle with dense dark yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring punctures, slightly projected toward sides of dorsal surface on anterior third, darker, rounded projected toward sides of dorsal surface about middle of elytra; dorsal surface with dark-brown pubescent band close to anterior whitish pubescence, from center of elytra to suture; with wide oblique dark-brown pubescent band on posterior fifth, from epipleural margin to sides of dorsal surface; with small dark-brown pubescent spots close to epipleural margin on posterior sixth; remaining surface of posterior third with dense brownish pubescence, gradually yellowish-white toward apex; posterior quarter with short, erect tufts of dark-brown pubescence on its base, and short, erect tufts of yellowish-brown pubescence on remaining surface. Legs. Femora pedunculate clavate; ventral surface of metafemur (Figs 28–29) with short, triangular projection on base of femoral club, followed by abrupt widening of femoral club; with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument on anterior 2/3 of ventral and outer surface, with sparse brownish pubescence on posterior third of ventral surface, and dense, both whitish and pale yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed on remaining surface, except almost glabrous basal region of metafemur. Tibiae with two dark brown pubescent rings, one on basal half, ventrally projected toward middle on protibiae, another apically, with bristly pubescence ventrally; remaining surface with dense, both whitish and pale yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed; apical third of dorsal surface of mesotibiae with abundant, short, erect, thick blackish setae. Metatarsomere I as long as II–III together.
Abdomen. Ventrites with abundant, both yellowish-white and brown pubescence interspersed laterally; with sparse, both thick and white and fine and yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed centrally. Apex of ventrite 5 concave.
Female (Figs 21–22). Similar to males, differing by antennae slightly shorter, 1.35 times elytral length (only one female measured), reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere XI, femoral peduncles slender, and metafemoral peduncle without modifications.
Dimensions (mm) (Holotype male/ paratypes male (11)/ paratypes female (7)).Total length, 8.95/7.80–8.85/8.60– 9.90; prothoracic length, 1.70/1.45–1.75/1.45–1.85; anterior prothoracic width, 2.15/2.00–2.25/2.00–2.45; posterior prothoracic width, 2.40/2.05–2.40/2.20–2.60; maximum prothoracic width, 2.80/2.35–2.65/2.45–2.90; humeral width, 3.90/3.30–3.75/3.55–4.10; elytral length, 6.80/6.00–6.75/6.60–7.35.
Type material. Holotype male from BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Florida, 4 km N Bermejo, 28.X.2011, Skillman & Wappes leg. (FSCA, formerly FWSC). Paratypes — BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Refugio Los Volcanes, 3400–4200 ft., 18º06′S 63º36′W, 3 males, 2 females, 16–20.IX.2012, Wappes, Skelley, Bonaso & Hamel leg. (1 female, MNRJ; 1 male, 1 female, MZSP; 2 males, FSCA; formerly ACMT); 3363’, 1 male, 1–10.X.2008, Morris & Wappes leg. (RFMC); 2 males, 1 female, 18–24.X.2014, Morris & Wappes leg. (RFMC); Florida, Achira Resort, 7 km NE of Samaipata, 18º09′S 63º49′W, 1350 m, 1 male, 22–25.I.2007, Lingafelter, Wappes & Prena leg. (SWLC); Refugio Los Volcanes, 4 km N Bermejo, 1000 m, 18º06′S 63º36′W, 1 male, 4–8.X.2007, Wappes & Morris leg. (MNRJ, formerly ACMT); Florida, 4 km N Bermejo, Refugio Los Volcanes, 18º06′S 63º36′W, 1000–1200 m, 2 males, 2 females, 28.X.2011, Skillman & Wappes leg. (FWSC); 1 male, 10.XII.2015, Skillman, Wappes & Kukartz leg. (FWSC); 1 female, 12.XII.2015, Skillman, Wappes & Kukartz leg. (FWSC); 1045–1350 m, 1 female, 10–12.XII.2015, Wappes, Kukartz & Skillman leg. (FSCA).
Etymology. Latin, “dentatus” (toothed, having teeth), allusive to the shape of the ventral surface of the metafemora in males.
Remarks. Leptostylus dentatus sp. nov. is similar to L. hilaris Bates, 1872 (Figs 23–25), but differs as follows: metafemoral peduncles in males with triangular projection before the abrupt widening (Figs 28–29); and central apex of the wide area with whitish pubescence on the elytra truncate or subtruncate (Figs 17, 21) in both sexes. In L. hilaris, the metafemoral peduncles in males do not have triangular projection before the abrupt widening (Fig. 25), and the central apex of the wide area with whitish pubescence on the elytra is inverted V-shaped in both sexes (Figs 23–24). It is also similar to L. batesi Casey, 1913 (Figs 26–27). Bates (1885) did not report the sex of the holotype. However, comparing the photograph of the holotype (Fig. 26) with females (Fig. 27), we believe that it is a male, because the metafemoral peduncles are wider. As there is no abrupt widening or triangular projection on the ventral surface of the metafemoral peduncles, this is an important feature allowing separating this species from L. hilaris and L. dentatus sp. nov. However, this feature needs to be confirmed after examining males of L. batesi, especially from Panama. As the central apex of the wide area with whitish pubescence on the elytra is truncate, this feature does not allow separating L. batesi from L. dentatus sp. nov., although allow separating it from L. hilaris. The male of L. batesi illustrated by Audureau (2008), the same specimen in Maes et al. (2010), appears to be a male of L. hilaris, due to the shape of the apex of the whitish elytral area and the shape of the metafemoral club. Although the shape of the apex of the whitish pubescent area of the elytra could be considered as variable in L. hilaris and L. batesi, what would suggest they are synonyms, it is not variable in the somewhat large series of L. dentatus sp. nov. Therefore, probably this feature is also not variable in L. hilaris and L. batesi, allowing the use of this feature to separate them.
The only reliable feature allowing the separation of females of L. dentatus sp. nov. from those of L. batesi is the tibiae with two dark pubescent rings in the former, while they have three dark pubescent rings in males and females of L. batesi. The same feature may be used to separate males and females of L. dentatus sp. nov. from those of L. hilaris.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2007-01-22 , 2007-10-04 , 2008-10-01 , 2011-10-28 , 2012-09-16 , 2014-10-18 , 2015-12-10 , 2015-12-12
- Family
- Cerambycidae
- Genus
- Leptostylus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Monné & Santos-Silva
- Species
- dentatus
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2007-01-22/25 , 2007-10-04/08 , 2008-10-01/10 , 2011-10-28 , 2012-09-16/20 , 2014-10-18/24 , 2015-12-10 , 2015-12-10/12 , 2015-12-12
- Taxonomic concept label
- Leptostylus dentatus Monné & Santos-Silva, 2022
- Bates, H. W. (1885) Supplement to Longicornia. In: Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.). Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Coleoptera. Vol. 5. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 249 - 436. [1880 - 1885]
- Audureau, A. (2008) Contribution a la connaissance des Cerambycidae de la reserve privee forestiere de Domitila (Nicaragua). Lambillionea, 108 (3), Supplement, 3 - 20.
- Maes, J. - M., Berghe, E., Dauber, D., Audureau, A., Nearns, E., Skilman, F., Heffern, D. & Monne, M. A. (2010) Catalogo ilustrado de los Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) de Nicaragua. Parte IV - Lamiinae- Disteniinae. Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia, 70 (Suplemento 1 - 4), 1 - 879.