Uvariodendron connivens R. E. Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10: 55 1930
- 1. IRD, DIADE, Univ Montpellier, Montpellier, France & Universite de Yaounde I, Ecole Normale Superieure, Departement des Sciences Biologiques, Laboratoire de Botanique systematique et d'Ecologie, B. P. 047, Yaounde, Cameroon & Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Botany Section, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, Netherlands
- 2. IRD, DIADE, Univ Montpellier, Montpellier, France
- 3. Universite de Yaounde I, Ecole Normale Superieure, Departement des Sciences Biologiques, Laboratoire de Botanique systematique et d'Ecologie, B. P. 047, Yaounde, Cameroon & Green Connexion, Environmental Group, siege face GP Melen, a cote de l'immeuble Palais des verres. Yaounde, Cameroun
- 4. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Botany Section, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, Netherlands
- 5. Universite de Yaounde I, Ecole Normale Superieure, Departement des Sciences Biologiques, Laboratoire de Botanique systematique et d'Ecologie, B. P. 047, Yaounde, Cameroon
- 6. Department of Botany-Microbiology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, 43015, USA
Uvariodendron connivens (Benth.) R.E.Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10: 55, 1930
Figs 120, 121; Map 15D
≡ Uvaria connivens Benth., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 23(3): 465, 1862.
= Uvaria megalantha Diels, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 39: 472, 1907. Type. Cameroon. South Region, Bipindi, Zenker G.A. 3204, 1904: lectotype, here designated: WAG[WAG0057972]; isolectotypes: BM[BM000636652]; GEOT[GOET005733]; K[K000198800]; M[M0107939]; P[P01982908]; S[S07-13392].
Equatorial Guinea. Bioko Norte; Bioko (Fernando Po), Mann G. 1159, 1861: lectotype, here designated: K[K000198803]; isolectotypes: K[K000198804, K000198805]; P[P00362655].
Tree, 3-20 m tall, d.b.h. 2-25 cm; stilt roots or buttresses absent. Indumentum of simple hairs; old leafless branches glabrous, young foliate branches glabrous. Leaves: petiole 4.5-21 mm long, 2-6 mm in diameter, glabrous, grooved, blade inserted on top of the petiole; blade 25.4-63.6 cm long, 7-17.7 cm wide, narrowly elliptic to narrowly oblong, apex acuminate, acumen 0.7-2.4 cm long, base rounded (sometimes acute, truncate or subcordate), subcoriaceous, below glabrous when young and old, above glabrous when young and old; midrib sunken or flat, above glabrous when young and old, below glabrous when young and old; secondary veins 15 to 29 pairs, glabrous above; tertiary venation reticulate. Individuals bisexual; inflorescences cauliflorous or ramiflorous on old or young foliate branches, axillary. Flowers with 9 perianth parts in 3 whorls, 1 per inflorescence; pedicel 5-40 mm long, 1.4-4 mm in diameter, glabrous to pubescent; in fruit 13-31 mm long, 3-8 mm in diameter, glabrous; bracts 2 to 5, several basal and one upper towards the upper half of pedicel, basal bracts 2-3 mm long, 1-3 mm wide; upper bract 4-13 mm long, 6-14 mm wide; sepals 3, basally fused, valvate or slightly imbricate, 5-14 mm long, 7-17 mm wide, ovate, apex acuminate, base truncate, green, glabrous outside, pubescent and glabrous towards center inside, margins flat; petals free, sub equal; outer petals 3, 11-32 mm long, 4-26 mm wide, ovate, apex acuminate, base truncate, purple to wine red, margins flat, glabrous outside, glabrous or pubescent towards the margins inside; inner petals 3, valvate, 9.5-30 mm long, 8-20 mm wide, ovate, apex acuminate, base truncate, purple to wine red, margins flat, glabrous outside, glabrous to pubescent with glabrous base inside; stamens 1908 to 2456, in 15 to 25 rows, 2-5 mm long, linear; connective discoid, glabrous, cream; staminodes absent; carpels free, 6 to 20, ovary 3-7 mm long, stigma bilobed, slightly capitate, densely pubescent. Monocarps sessile to stipitate, stipes 0-8 mm long, 3-10 mm in diameter; monocarps 1 to 10, 22-55 mm long, 17-32 mm in diameter, ellipsoid to globose, apex rounded, glabrous, smooth, dumpy; seeds 8 to 23 per monocarp, 13-29 mm long, 3-14 mm in diameter, ellipsoid to oblong; aril absent.
A widespread species with a disjunct distribution in West and Central Africa, from Côte d’Ivoire to Ghana, and from Nigeria to Gabon. In Cameroon known from the Littoral, South, and South-West regions.
A common species when present; in lowland and premontane primary and old secondary rain forests, can be found in swamp forests. Altitude 50-1000 m a.sl.
Local and common names known in Cameroon.
Ikeinju (Bakweri language, Mbani 14).
IUCN conservation status.
Near Threatened (NT) (Tchouto 1998). This old assessment is certainly wrong, as U. connivens is quite common across Cameroon, and in general across the region.
Uses in Cameroon.
None reported.
Uvariodendron connivens can be distinguished by its long (> 55 cm) narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblong leaves, with a rounded base. When compared to other species with long leaves such as U. fuscum and U. calophyllum, it can be distinguished by its longer flower pedicel 6-40 mm long and slightly imbricate sepals. The mature petals are wine red in color, unique for Cameroonian Uvariodendron. Stamen count was taken from Meinke (2008).
Specimens examined.
South Region: ca 6 km S of Kribi 2-4 km E of Gr Batanga, 2.88°N, 9.916°E, 26 September 1969, Bos J.J. 5412 (P,WAG); Campo Ma an National Park 5 km after main entrance, 2.35°N, 10.25°E, 15 February 2012, Couvreur T.L.P. 383 (WAG,YA); 29 km east from Lélé village, 2.27°N, 13.29°E, 09 September 2013, Couvreur T.L.P. 484 (WAG,YA); Bipindi, 3.08°N, 10.42°E, 01 January 1903, Zenker G.A. 2624 (B,K,L,M,P,WAG); Bipindi, 3.08°N, 10.42°E, 01 January 1904, Zenker G.A. 3204 (K,L,M,MO,P,P); Mimfia, 3.06°N, 10.38°E, 01 September 1913, Zenker G.A. 358 (M,P,U,WAG). South-West Region: Mabeta 6 km SE Limbe SBL, 3.98°N, 9.283°E, 10 August 1993, Baker W.J. 294 (K,YA); Ekundu Kundu, 5.12°N, 8.895°E, 27 April 1996, Cable S. 2230 (K,YA); Dikulu, 3.98°N, 9.233°E, 17 December 1993, Cable S. 611 (K,YA); Liwenyi, 4.37°N, 9.013°E, 28 October 1993, Cheek M. 5180 (K,YA); ca 40 minutes walk N then E from Njonji Hunters path to Lake Njonji, 4.13°N, 8.993°E, 18 November 1993, Cheek M. 5462 (K,YA); Ekundu Kundu, 5.13°N, 8.869°E, 25 April 1996, Cheek M. 8164 (K,YA); Mount Cameroon National Park on the Bomona trail behind Bomona village 10 km NW from Idenau, 4.29°N, 9.078°E, 03 April 2016, Couvreur T.L.P. 1051 (WAG,YA); Mokoko Forest Reserve Boa / Likinge, 4.42°N, 8.972°E, 31 May 1994, Ekema S.N. 1078 (K,YA); Bakolle Bakossi on Kumba-Mamfe road, 5.01°N, 9.666°E, 24 May 1986, Etuge M. 156 (K,MO,WAG,YA); Nyasoso, 4.81°N, 9.683°E, 24 June 1996, Etuge M. 2396 (K,YA); Mungo FR, 4.73°N, 9.560°E, 22 February 2006, Etuge M. 6506 (K); Mahole-Bintulu road, 4.79°N, 9.603°E, 24 November 1999, Gosline W.G. 209 (K,WAG,YA); Mabeta-Moliwe, 3.98°N, 9.25°E, 06 April 1992, Jaff B. 73 (K,YA); Rivières de Mosongosele et de Ndian depuis Mosongosele jusqu’à l’entrée amont de la mangrove environ 20 km SW de Mundemba, 4.83°N, 8.765°E, 13 June 1976, Letouzey R. 15175 (P,YA); Buea are at Bolifamba, 4.13°N, 9.303°E, 01 January 1929, Maitland T.D. 537 (K,P); Bomana-Koto Road c 500 m Bearing 305 deg towards Onge river, 4.31°N, 9.016°E, 18 October 1993, Ndam N. 708 (K,YA); Bolo forest 5 kms west of Kumba-Mamfe road near Konye, 4.86°N, 9.429°E, 25 March 1986, Nemba J. 56 (U); Mont versant de Idenao, 4.24°N, 8.99°E, 23 January 1985, Nkongmeneck B.A. 959 (YA); Bechati-Fossimondi-Besali forest Path leading from Fossimondi to Besali, 5.64°N, 9.966°E, 28 April 2005, Tchiengue B. 2204 (K,YA); Above Isobe, 4.16°N, 9°E, 10 June 1992, Tekwe C.F. 87 (K,YA); Mount above small Koto village, 4.3°N, 9.1°E, 06 March 1985, Thomas D.W. 4447 (K,P,YA); 3 km N of Limbe-Idenao road, 4.05°N, 9.083°E, 10 February 1986, Thomas D.W. 5537 (YA); Matene from Mbilishe, 6.25°N, 9.37°E, 01 March 1987, Thomas D.W. 6928 (P,YA); west of the Onge River and ridges on "Thump Mount", 4.33°N, 8.95°E, 09 November 1993, Thomas D.W. 9875 (K,YA); ca 5 km North East of Limbe TB + 5500 m, 4°N, 9.25°E, 02 June 1992, Watts J. 336 (K,YA); Mabeta-Moliwe TD 5835 m, 4.01°N, 9.266°E, 24 June 1992, Wheatley J.I. 326 (K,YA).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Event date
- 1903-01-01 , 1929-01-01 , 1992-06-02 , 2022-01-01
- Family
- Annonaceae
- Genus
- Uvariodendron
- Kingdom
- Plantae
- Order
- Magnoliales
- Phylum
- Tracheophyta
- Scientific name authorship
- R. E. Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10: 55
- Species
- connivens
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Verbatim event date
- 1903-01-01/2013-09-09 , 1929-01-01/2016-04-03 , 1992-06-02/24 , 2022-01-01/12-31
- Taxonomic concept label
- Uvariodendron connivens Fr., 1930 sec. Couvreur, Dagallier, Crozier, Ghogue, Hoekstra, Kamdem, Johnson, Murray & Sonke, 2022
- Tchouto, P, 1998. Uvariodendron connivens. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T34766A9883333. https://doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.1998.RLTS.T34766A9883333.en
- Meinke, S, 2008. Studies on the morphology and pollination biology of selected West African Annonaceae. M.Sc. University of Rostock.