Published September 13, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Ph.D. Scholar (SRF), Department of Physical Education, Jadavpur University.
  • 2. Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Jadavpur University.


In India, khokho is one of the oldest and most well-known tag games. The purpose of the study was to compare the physical fitness parameters and anthropometric parameters among the three age groups of Kho-Kho players as physical fitness and anthropometricparameters are the most important factors to execute performance in competitive situation. To accomplish the purpose of the study BMI, Arm length, Foot length, speed, agility and speed endurance were taken as the variables.Toconduct the study total 45girls subjects were selected from three different age group of Kho-Kho. The mean and S.D. of scores of each variables were computed, there after F test was computed to find out the significance of differences among the score of each variable of physical fitness and anthropometric parameters among three groups of Kho-Kho players and LSD was computed to find out the significant difference among three groups. There was a gradual increase of height and body weight with age. The BMI of the junior group(18.03 ± 2.55 kg/m2) was the lowest and the most senior group(20.02 ± 1.57 kg/m2) was highest.The speed of the middle age group(7.69 ± 0.34sec) was best. The agility of the junior group(10.97± 3.07sec.) showed best than the other groups. The speed endurance of middle group(81.13 ± 7.15sec) was better than the other two groups. The average foot length of junior most groups (21.86 ± 1.24cm) was lowest and the middle aged group(22.86 ± 1.12cm) was highest. The average arm length of junior most group(62.80± 4.17cm) lowest and the senior most group(69.53 ± 4.85cm) was highest.It may conclude thatthe characteristics of anthropometric parameters and physical fitness variables vary with the different age but no such specific direction of increase or decrease of such variables is drawn.




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