Published October 21, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Proposing DAPP-MR as a disaster risk management pathways framework for complex, dynamic multi-risk

  • 1. Deltares, VU Amsterdam
  • 2. Deltares
  • 3. VU Amsterdam, Deltares
  • 4. VU Amsterdam


Climate change impacts are increasingly complex owing to compounding, interacting, and cascading risks across sectors. However, approaches to support Disaster Risk Management (DRM) addressing the underlying (uncertain) risk driver interactions are still  lacking. We tailor the approach of Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) to DAPP-MR to design DRM pathways for complex,  dynamic multi-risk in multi-sector systems. We review the recent multi-hazard and multi-sector research to identify relevant aspects  of multi-risk management frameworks and illustrate the suitability of DAPP-MR using a stylized case. It is found that rearranging the  analytical steps of DAPP by introducing three iteration stages can help to capture interactions, trade-offs, and synergies across  hazards and sectors. We show that DAPP-MR may guide multi-sector processes to stepwise integrate knowledge toward  multi-risk management. DAPP-MR can be seen as an analytical basis and first step toward an operational, integrative, and  interactive framework for short-to long-term multi-risk DRM. 



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