- 1. Dcvru Kota Bilsaspur Chhattisgarh.
- 2. Government Science College, Kherta Bazar, Chhattisgarh.
- 3. Government Digvijay College, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, India.
The survey was under taken for Ichthyofaunal diversity study in the Pakhanjore Reservoir of Canker District. The survey was mainly focused on Ichthyofaunal diversity. 25 Species of fishes belonging to 5 orders 11 family and 20 genera was recorded during the study. Cyprinidae were most dominat group represent by 12 species , Siluridae with 2 species, Ophiocephalidae with 2 species, Bagridae 1 species, Mestacemballidae with 2 species, Saccobranchidae 1 species, Claridae 1species, Centropomidae 1species,Notopteridae 1 species, Gobiidae 1species and Cichlidae 1 species. This is first ever study on the fish diversity of this reservoir and would help in explore the fish fauna of Pakhanjore Dam
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