Published March 10, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Euplocania macuxi Pereira & Silva-Neto & Boldrini 2022, sp. nov.


Euplocania macuxi sp. nov.

(Figs. 1-7)


Diagnosis: Belonging in marginata species group of García Aldrete et al. (2013).Differing from the known species of this group, in having central sclerite of hypandrium almost straight anteriorly, posteriorly with a median stout triangular process, underlaid by a stout bifid posterior process, with each arm machete shaped, widening posteriorly, distally curved slightly inwards; mesal sclerite of phallosome U-shaped, anteriorly convex, narrow, posteriorly widening with postero-lateral corners projected, these almost triangular, three pairs of endophallic sclerites, with an antero-lateral pair, boomerang shaped, almost the same width along its entire length and with a posterior pair, broad, trapeziform with sides converging to almost straight posterior border.

Color (in 80% ethanol): Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents, head pattern (Fig. 1). Scape and pedicel brown, f1-f3 pale brown. Legs with coxae and trochanters brown, femora pale brown; tibiae proximally dark brown, then pale brown and dark brown distally; tarsomere 1 pale brown, tarsomeres 2-3 brown. Forewings veins brown, a wide, marginal pigmented band from R₄₊₅ to A1 and Cu2 cells, with a small, hyaline area on each side of vein ends, at wing margin, from M1 to M4; Rs and crossvein Rs-M dark brown. Pterostigma peripherally pale brown, with small irregular brown spots and with a transverse brown spot distally as a false vein (Fig. 2). Hindwings with a homogeneous brown band from R₄₊₅ to A1; veins brown (Fig. 3).

Morphology: Head with vertex slightly concave, emarginated; compound eyes without interommatidial setae (Fig. 1). Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with eight denticles (Fig. 4). Forewing pterostigma basally narrow, wider in the middle, narrowing posteriorly, areola postica tall, wide, with round apex, slanted and sinuous posteriorly. Rs stem almost straight, R₂₊₃ almost straight, R₄₊₅ sinuous; M stem slightly concave proximally, then almost straight, with four primary branches, M₁ almost straight, M₂-M₄ sinuous (Fig. 2). Hindwing Rs, R₂₊₃ and R₄₊₅ straight, M sinuous (Fig. 3). Hypandrium of three sclerites, a large central sclerite almost straight anteriorly, with posterior corners almost triangular, posteriorly with a median stout triangular process, underlaid by a stout bifid posterior process, with each arm machete shaped, widening posteriorly, distally curved slightly inwards; side sclerites almost lozenge, narrowing at the ends and, posteriorly distally acuminate, setae as illustrated (Fig. 5). Phallosome (Fig. 6) with side struts basally fused, U-shaped, widening posteriorly and distally almost triangular. External parameres V-shaped, with a field of pores distally, with inner arm tubular and distally rounded, outer arms posteriorly rounded and anteriorly acuminate. Mesal sclerite wide, almost U-shaped, anteriorly convex, narrow, posteriorly widening with postero-lateral corners projected, these almost triangular. Three pairs of endophallic sclerites, an antero-mesal pair, small, strongly sclerotized, almost touching in the middle of endophallus, narrow basally, with sides widening posteriorly and almost triangular; an antero-lateral pair, elongated, boomerang shaped, almost the same width along its entire length, distally curved inward; a posterior pair, strongly sclerotized, broad, trapeziform with sides converging to almost straight posterior border, located between the antero-lateral pair and the external parameres. Epiproct (Fig. 7) broad, sides converging to almost straight posterior border, three mesal setae near anterior border, setal fields on posterior edge and one macroseta on each side. Paraprocts broadly, elliptic; sensory fields with 29-30 trichobothria on basal rosettes, setae as illustrated (Fig. 7).

Measurements (in microns): FW: 4791, HW: 3019, F: 1307, T: 1963, t1: 807, t2: 92, t3: 134, f1: 910, f2: 870, f3: 562, Mx4: 311, IO: 571, D: 511, d: 337, PO: 0.66.

Material examined: Holotype male (INPA). BRAZIL. Roraima.Amajari.Tepequém. 03°24′11.5″N, 61°39′13.7″W. 23.v-03.VI. 2017. Malaise grande. Rede Bia. R. Boldrini & J.A. Rafael.

Etymology: Macuxi is a noun that applies to the South American indigenous population, located in the circum-Roraima region of the Brazilian state of Roraima. Currently, Macuxi is used informally to define the natives of Roraima. By extension, it is given to this species as a noun in apposition, and makes reference to the Brazilian state of origin of this species.


Published as part of Pereira, Antoniel Francisco, Silva-Neto, Alberto Moreira da & Boldrini, Rafael, 2022, Three new species of Euplocania Enderlein (Psocodea, ' Psocoptera', Ptiloneuridae), for the state of Roraima, Brazil, pp. 1-8 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (Pap. Avulsos Zool., S. Paulo) (Pap. Avulsos Zool., S. Paulo) 62 on pages 2-4, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2022.62.010,


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Event date
Scientific name authorship
Pereira & Silva-Neto & Boldrini
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
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Taxonomic concept label
Euplocania macuxi Pereira, Silva-Neto & Boldrini, 2022