Published May 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Music teachers influencing lives

  • 1. Academy of Arts (Banská Bystrica)
  • 2. University of Matej Bel (Banská Bystrica)


There are many teachers in Slovak music history and in present times who have educated generations of musicians with love and who have influenced many artistic careers and lifestyles. Paying homage to these personalities and making their activities accessible to the public is the goal of the national project KEGA 003UMB-4/2021, Lexicon of Personalities of Slovak Music Pedagogy. The aim of this paper is to briefly present two exceptional personalities who work with talented pupils/students of different ages, in different cities, different types and levels of schools, but with a common mission. They are united by their love for the teaching profession, their way of communicating, and their responsibility and exceptional human values. We present piano teacher, performer and accompanist Viera Horváthová, a prominent figure in primary art education; we also present Gregorian chant teacher, researcher and author of theoretical works Janka Bednáriková, a respected pedagogue at the Catholic university. The method used in this research is a questionnaire and interviews conducted in 2021-2022.



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  • Ballard, E. (2022). My Interview with Maya Angelou and How It Changed My Life. Retrieved March 15, 2022, from
  • Bednáriková, J. (2018). Historický prehľad vyučovania gregoriánskeho chorálu na území dnešného Slovenska od stredoveku po súčasnosť. Ružomberok: Verbum. (in Slovak)
  • Burk, G. (2014). To See the Best in Others Will Help Them Become. Retrieved March 15, 2022, from
  • Horváthová, V. (s.a). Podklady k vypracovaniu hesla v Lexikóne osobností slovenskej hudobnej pedagogiky. Manuscript. (in Slovak)
  • Horváthová, V. (1991). Kurz pre učiteľov klavírnej hry. Učiteľské noviny, 21.11.1991, č. 9/1991, roč. XXXVIII, s. 5. (in Slovak)
  • Horváthová, V. (1992). Umenie nás učí pokore. Učiteľské noviny, 21.5.1992, 4/1992, roč. XXXIX, s. 11. (in Slovak)
  • Hrá a spieva celá rodina. (2005). [Radio broadcast]. AZTV Group, 13.6.2005. (in Slovak)
  • Hudobné centrum, Bratislava; Bednáriková, Janka. Retrieved March 15, 2022, from: (in Slovak)
  • Interviews with Viera Horváthová, Janka Bednáriková, and the former student – M.S. – Interviews were conducted during December 2021 – March 2022.
  • Pedagogická fakulta Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku. Retrieved March 15, 2022 from: (in Slovak)
  • Schola Cantorum Rosenbergensis (2020). Retrieved March 15, 2022 from: (in Slovak)