Published December 11, 2020 | Version 5
Project deliverable Open

NAUTILOS D10.1 - Outreach, Communication and Dissemination Strategy

  • 1. EuroProject
  • 2. EurOcean
  • 3. HCMR


The following report will outline the communication and dissemination strategy and actions that will be implemented throughout the project’s lifetime to achieve the project’s widest promotion, greatest visibility and awareness to the external audiences with a particular emphasis on citizen science campaigns. The Outreach, Communication and Dissemination Strategy will provide the framework and structure of all project information, communication, and activities; will define the communication goals, the objectives and timelines; will allocate responsibilities on a per partner level and define a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for the quantification and measurement of the effectiveness of the communication and dissemination activities


NAUTILOS - D10.1. Outreach, Communication _ Dissemination Strategy.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
NAUTILOS – New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean obServation 101000825