Lviv Region Tourism Facing Challenges of Coronavirus Crisis and Military Conflict
The purpose of the article is to analyse the trends in the development of tourism in the Lviv region due to the influence of the coronavirus pandemic and military aggression against Ukraine. The research methodology is based on the use of theoretical and empirical methods of humanitarian research, logical and cultural analysis methods. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is to analyse the trends of tourism development in the Lviv region due to the influence of the coronavirus pandemic and military aggression against Ukraine and paying attention to the need for the development of a strategy for the restoration and further development of tourism in the postwar period, taking into account existing theoretical results and world practical experience, choosing its own way of restoration of the industry. Conclusions. Taking into account the experience of countries that have achieved spectacular success in the development of tourism, which automatically influenced the improvement of their population, tourism, especially cultural one, and especially after the end of the war, should be raised to the level of priority sectors of state development, position Ukraine as a single brand. Tourism in the Lviv region, although at its recovery and will have to take more than one year, has all the chances for further effective development due to the creation of a high-quality tourist and recreational product and the formation of a competitive market for tourist and recreational services in the domestic and world markets, ensuring the integrated development of the territory. The emphasis on potential opportunities, as well as cultural mechanisms and other forms of support for the industry, should help adapt to a new, poorly predictable reality, taking into account key trends in tourism and the consequences of a military conflict in our country. Therefore, it is imperative in developing a strategy for the restoration and further development of tourism in the postwar period to take into account the existing theoretical results and world practical experience, choose the own way of the industry restoration, as well as take into account that digital transformation is capable of giving impetus to the sustainable development of the tourist industry, most important thing is to take advantage of the necessary technologies in time and in the right manner.
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