Published March 28, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Inclusion as One of the Directions of the Civil Society Development Strategy: a Factor of Cultural Creation

  • 1. National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to summarise modern inclusive practices in the context of the cultural factor of civil society development and identify existing challenges in this area. The issue of inclusion in Ukraine is relevant today, given its social significance, insufficient attention to it in previous years, and due to the aggravation of the situation related to the Russian Ukrainian war, the presence of people with disabilities. The research methodology is based on general methods of empirical and theoretical research, in particular analysis, synthesis, generalisation. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature, legal documents is carried out in order to develop a conceptual approach to the phenomena of inclusion and barrier-free. On the basis of the culturological method, the cultural factor of civil society development in the context of the formation of an inclusive environment is identified. The generalisation method is used to systematise regional inclusive practices. The scientific novelty consists in finding out the presence of a cultural factor in the inclusive space and the activation of civil society in this process. Conclusions. The concept of the stated topic involves the use of “person-person” models with its cultural dominance and “person-inclusive space” with a cultural approach to the organisation of barrier-free space. The analysis of the theoretical basis and practical situation in the inclusive segment of Ukraine allowed us to outline the tasks: legislative support of the inclusive process by by-laws; establishing the interconnection and synergy of state and nonstate institutions in an inclusive and barrier-free space; activation by public institutions of the controlling function on the issue of barrier-free; establishing a dialogue between the participants of the inclusive process; using image-creating tools to promote inclusion in the information space of Ukraine; cluster approach to the organisation of inclusive projects. Inclusion should become a natural need, a mental trait, and this process of personal self-development is accelerated by the cultural factor.



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