Meditation and Compensatory Insight in Religious and Mystical Culture (Culturological Analysis)
The purpose of the article is to highlight, clarify and demonstrate that purification in meditative practice differs from purification that occurs spontaneously, which is represented in religious and mystical culture. The methodology of obtaining new knowledge is based on the comparative method of research. The author of the article compares various states of consciousness that document the state of man in religious and mystical culture, art. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time such a phenomenon of human nature as compensatory insight is considered. Conclusions. It is claimed that purification in meditative practice differs from compensatory insight, which occurs randomly and spontaneously, without any practice. These phenomena have been found, demonstrated, and proven in the religious and mystical culture. They differ from such states of superconsciousness as ecstasy, catharsis, inspiration, insight, ataraxia, trance. Ecstasy is the mental state of a person when he is captured by an event. This passion can bring a person to a stupor. Catharsis is the purification due to emotional shock. Inspiration is a mental state of a person, accompanied by the appearance of creative excitement and an increase in activity that implements the idea. Insight is a sudden guess on how to solve a problem. Ataraxia is peace of mind, equanimity. Trance is the automaticity of behaviour. All of these states may accompany mediative practice, but they differ from compensatory insight as a state of cessation. A diverse mediative practice gives a person different states of consciousness or accompanies them. Compensatory insight, which occurs outside of artificial mediative practice, has certain traits-characteristics that in their totality no other human state has. For these traits-characteristics, as well as for the ability to purify the psyche from petty actions, compensatory insight in religious and mystical culture is designated as the Highest, as the Almighty.
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