Published October 5, 2022 | Version v1
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D2.4 - Final report on WRF-LES and Park coupling


This document is a final report on WRF-LES and park coupling, which we implemented in Task 2.5. Starting from the geo location of a planned wind park, the atmospheric model simulates spatial and temporal wind conditions (velocity, direction, pressure) on atmospheric scale. Based on these wind conditions, and based on a preconfigured set of wind turbines within the wind park, the park model simulates wind conditions on park and neighbourhood scale in between the wind turbines in terms of turbulent flow fields (velocity vectors, pressure). For this workflow step, the partner SINTEF provides solvers and models specialized on wind parks that can be executed by the Open Source simulation system OpenFoam.


D2.5 - Final report on WRF-LES and turbine CFD model.pdf

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