Published October 3, 2022 | Version v1
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Simulations of 10Be production via CCM SOCOL-AERv2-BE (96 tracers for 10Be)

  • 1. University of Oulu
  • 2. Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos


Here you can see global 10Be content (at/m^3) of different sources (see tab. 1 in paper) produced by GCR and SCR for the ground level. 

Here are two folders with the same structure:
1) GCR
2) SCR

In thise folders 96 .txt files and 97 .xls files.

In .txt files the first column is latitude and the first line is longitude. For each point values of 10Be content (at/m^3) in ground level.

In .xls the same values, but grid for these values in an independent file called grid_size.xls.

You can choose a format file which more comfortable for you.


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