Published September 28, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pentastira eminei Demirel 2022, sp. nov.

  • 1. Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Tayfur Sökmen Campus, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology 31060 Antakya / Hatay / TÜRKİYE. auchenorrhyncha @ mku. edu. tr; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7699 - 3166
  • 2. Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics 40100 Kırşehir / TÜRKİYE. merbey 023 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0917 - 8684


Pentastira eminei Demirel sp. nov.

(Fig. 2)

Type material. Holotype, Kırşehir, Merkez, 39°08′41″ N, 34°13′57″ E, 1,225 m, 22.vii.2017, M. ERBEY leg. male. Allotype, Kırşehir, Merkez, 39°08′41″ N, 34°13′57″ E, 1,225 m, 22.vii.2017, M. ERBEY leg. one female. Paratype, Kırşehir, Merkez, 39°08′41″ N, 34°13′57″ E, 1,225 m, 22.vii.2017, M. ERBEY leg. one female (Figs 6, 7).

Diagnosis. Posterior margin of vertex obtuse (Fig. 2A, E). Mesonotum rhombic, carinae prominent and amberish (Fig. 2A, E). Tegulae mostly yellowish. Tegmina with a thin brown strip from the middle half of the tip margin and a brown pterostigma (Fig. 3A, B). Legs yellowish brown (Figs 2C, D, 3D, E). Apex of anal tube symmetrical in male with large right handed anal tube style (Fig. 3A). Tooth on the left of the theca base long and tending forward from the middle with right angle (Fig. 4E, G).

Description. Male (measurements in mm): body length, 9.35; mesonotum length, 2.21; mesonotum width, 2.12; pronotum width, 2.19; width of the vertex at the anterior margin, 0.57; length of the right tegmina, 7.97. Female: body length, 9.74; mesonotum length, 2.12; mesonotum width, 2.14; pronotum width, 2.12; width of the vertex at the anterior margin, 0.55; length of the right tegmina, 8.47.

Coloration. Generally, brown tones dominant. Pronotum and face carinae yellowish. Metope brownish, lateral carinae yellow, tapers to postclypeus, brownish part cuts the lateral carinae with a cuspidate formation in the first quarter of postclypeus (Fig. 2B, F). Pronotal disc, postocular carinae and posterior of the dorsolateral margins of pronotum yellow; the anterior and the postocular region of pronotum, black. The adjacent margins to the mesonotum of tegulae black, the remaining parts completely yellow (Fig. 2A). Legs yellowish brown. Tegmina veins yellowish at the base and darker towards the ends, brown; with a brown and narrow band from the bottom corner of the third to the upper corner of the eleventh to twelfth apical cell, lighter in female (Figs 2C, D, 3A, B). Females lighter in color, with a very small black spot in the middle of metope and postclypeus (Fig. 2F).

Head. Macrocorypha length approximately equal to width. Lateral carinae of corypha looks like a helmet as a whole (Fig. 2A), relatively narrow in female (Fig. 2E) and split into three different parts, first quarter get closer each other and formed an acute arch-shaped carina anteriorly, second quarter parallel and remainder part diverge to posteriorly and formed an obtuse margin in posterior. Acrometope divided into two triangles by vague inverted V-shape carinae located in the middle of corypha’s anterior carina in dorsal view (Fig. 2A). Metope 1.7 times as long as wide, with distinct median carina, fork of median carina small and indistinct and joint with postclypeus approximately at the level of antennae, postclypeus overflows a little towards metope in middle and metope towards postclypeus on sides (Fig. 2B, F).

Thorax. Mesonotum square in shape, approximately equal in width to length, three times longer than pronotum and vertex combined, three carinae in the middle approximately parallel to each other, the outer ones diverging posteriorly, directed inward at an angle of 130° in the fifth (final) part (Fig. 2A).

Wings. Longitudinal veins of tegmina, including the costal vein, with hairy tubercles, 3.3 times longer than wide with 11 apical and six subapical cells in male (Fig. 3A), 12 apical cells in female (Fig. 3B). Fork Sc+RP same level or slightly basad of fork CuA 1 +CuA 2 in male (Fig. 3A), CuA 1 +CuA 2 basad in female (Fig. 3B). Only RA, RP and MP 3+4 clearly forked for once in terminal in male (Fig. 3A). MP 1+2 ended with three branches terminally (Fig. 3A, B). RA and RP interconnected to each other with ir originated from the base of RA fork (Fig. 3A, B). MP 1+2 and MP 3+4 connected with im terminated at the base of MP 3+4 fork (Fig. 3A). Fork r-m closer to the base than m-cu and perpendicular to RP and MP (Fig. 3A, B). And also with a brown and granulated pterostigma between the end of the CA and ScP+RA (Figs 2C, 3A, B).

Hind wing membranous and transparent, 1.75 times longer than wide (Fig. 3C). ScP+RA, CuP and Pcu simple, RP just before the tip and CuA in the last third of the wing forked once, both ended with two terminals, MP forked twice and reaching the wing margin with three terminals, the first fork approximately same level with the fork of CuA, MP connected with RP by a relatively long r-m near the base of RP, r-m terminated just before first MP fork, the lowest branch of MP and the upper branch of CuA related with each other by the very short m-cu near the tip of the wing, r-m more basad than m-cu (Fig. 3C).

Legs. Pro- and mesolegs simple. Profemur 1.68, protibia 1.2; mesofemur 1.49, and mesotibia 1.31 mm long. Metatibia with three in males and four in females lateral spines, and six apical teeth [can be formulated as 3+2+1 from inside to outside, cixius-type in Emeljanov (2002)]; first tarsomere without platellae but with eight teeth; second tarsomere with seven platellae and nine teeth (Fig. 3D, E).

Terminalia. Anal tube symmetrical, with a large style at the anterior end. Anal style protruding from the notch at the tip and turns to the right dorsally (Fig. 4A, B). Styli asymmetrical, left style longer than right one in natural position, the distal part of right style alike a rabbit head from ventrally (externally) and with a rectangular space between them in proximal half. The inner apical corner of the left style extends forward distinctly in the form of a thick finger (Fig. 4C, D). Aedeagus has ten appendages (Fig. 4E–G). Six of them located on the moving part of it, but only 3 of them seen from ventrally. The tooth seen from the ventrally and located at the left base of the aedeagus theca, at first extending and tapering to the left according to its natural position then turns towards the anterior at a right angle and ends with a long pointed tip (Fig. 4G). Aedeagus with a lateral apophysis on the left side (Fig. 4F, G). Distal upper end of the lateral apophysis with tooth, tooth beak looks like a scythe in laterally (Fig. 4E). The remainder resembles the head and neck of a swan, with a clear opening between the tooth beak and the neck (Fig. 4E).

Female genitalia primitive orthopteroid-type (Fig. 5A). Posterior margin of pregenital sternite undulated three times, wide and regular (Fig. 5C). Tergite IX moderately sclerotized, width about two times to length, ventral margins vaguely concave, with wax plate V-shape in caudal view (Fig. 5C). Anal tube long, rectangular, slightly narrowed at apex, 1.64 times longer than wide in dorsal view; dorsal and ventral margins diverge to each other towards the end in lateral view, anal style clavate-shaped and extended forward from the anal tube (Fig. 5B). Gonapophysis VIII and IX simple, needle-like, tips slightly curved to each other (Fig. 5A). Ventral margin of gonoplac moderately sclerotized and rod-like, upper (inner) margin weakly sclerotized and lamellose, about three times longer than wide (Fig. 5A).

Distribution. The species is only known from the type series collected in Kırşehir, Türkiye (Figs 6, 7).

Etymology. The species is named in honor of the first author’s wife.

Remarks. It is understood that P. eminei sp. nov. is closely related to P. major, P. megista and P. superans due to the symmetrical anal tube, the asymmetrical styli, aedeagus with lateral apophysis and with tooth on the left side of theca base as well as their distribution in adjacent geographic areas.


Published as part of Demirel, Ersin & Erbey, Mahmut, 2022, Pentastira eminei sp. nov. (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Cixiidae) from Türkiye and notes on other Pentastira spp. in Türkiye and the Middle East, pp. 194-206 in Zootaxa 5190 (2) on pages 196-201, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5190.2.2,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
allotype , holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Pentastira eminei Demirel, 2022


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  • Logvinenko, V. N. (1976) New leafhopper species of the superfamily Fulgoroidea (Auchenorrhyncha) from the Caucasus. Entomological Review, 55 (3), 69 - 74.
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  • Emeljanov, A. F. (2002) Contribution to classification and phylogeny of the family Cixiidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha). Denisia, 4, 103 - 112.