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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published July 1, 2022 | Version 2022-07-01.02
Dataset Open 2022-07-01

  • 1. IASS Potsdam


This version of has been compiled by Richard Thonig in collaboration with the SolarPACES secretariat and reflects the CSP market in the middle of 2022. The Chinese market develops favorably with many new projects announced to be completed by 2024. At the end of 2021, the beam-down tower project was completed with 5 out of 15 initially planned towers completed. Staying conservative, we only include those projects that are reported as under construction but keep a close eye for coming updates. In South Africa Redstone is finally under construction. Moreover, several pilot stations moved forward. We deleted three plants because we couldn't verify that they are under construction or will still be completed after the Chinese Feed-in-Tariff ran out at the end of 2021, thos are: OpenCSP_ID 132,133,134 "Shenzhen Jinfan Akesai - 50MW Molten Salt Trough", "Shouhang Yumen 100 MW Tower", "Supcon Delingha 135 MW Tower".



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