Model run and scenario data for study "Bioenergy-induced land-use change emissions with sectorally fragmented policies"
This data archive contains model runs and data analysis files to the research article
Bioenergy-induced land-use change emissions with sectorally fragmented policies
by Leon Merfort, Nico Bauer, Florian Humpenöder, David Klein, Jessica Strefler, Alexander Popp, Gunnar Luderer, Elmar Kriegler
submitted to Nature Climate Change (2022).
ModelRuns_remind (directory) contains all REMIND model runs of the scenarios underlying the paper.
ModelRuns_magpie (directory) contains all MAgPIE model runs of the scenarios underlying the paper.
DataAnalysis (directory) contains an RStudio Project that was used for the data analysis and the generation of the figures of the paper. It additionally contains all figures and figure data that are shown in the paper.
ScenarioMapping.pdf contains the mapping from scenario names used in the paper to the model experiment names (in the model run directories).