Published October 21, 2022 | Version v1.0
Working paper Open

The market environment for enabling growth of clean energy in Zambia

  • 1. Independent Consultant
  • 2. University College London
  • 3. University of Oxford


Zambia is committed to meeting sustainable energy for all and contributing to climate change mitigation by scaling up clean energy. To facilitate this transition, Zambia has created an enabling environment for clean energy investment. However, these reforms are still to translate into increased investments. Through rapid evidence review and stakeholder interviews, this brief critically examines the efficiency of the interlinked energy project development stages and processes, and corresponding policies and regulations, plus the actors involved and their roles. We identified several institutional and structural factors related to the energy market that hinder the growth of clean energy. These include procedural challenges such as licencing and permitting and the absence of a truly open-access grid regime.


This material has been produced under the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme, which brings together leading research organizations and is led out of the STEER centre, Loughborough University. CCG is funded by UK aid from the UK government. However, the views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the UK government's official policies.


data/The market environment for enabling growth of clean energy in Zambia_COP27 Policy Brief.pdf

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