Published November 1, 2022
| Version v0.1
Online Supplemental Tables - An atlas of genome-wide gene expression and metabolite associations and possible mediation effects towards body mass index
- 1. Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, Leipzig University
Summary statistics of metabolite-gene expression associations and mediation analyses of effects on body mass index.
The corresponding publication is currently under revision.
- Online Supplemental Table 1: Gene expression-metabolite association summary statistics from 97 metabolites and metabolite ratios and up to 15175 genes calculated seperately in the LIFE-Adult, LIFE-Heart, LIFE-AMI and the Sorb studies. Associations were adjusted for six covariates.
- Online Supplemental Table 2: Random-effects meta-analyzed gene expression-metabolite association summary statistics. P-Values were adjusted for multiple testing using a hierarchical adjustment procedure both on local (within phenotypes) and on global (across phenotypes) level.
- Online Supplemental Table 3: Single-study association results needed for checking mediation analysis assumptions and for calculating mediation statistics. Only gene expression probe-metabolite pairs that associated significantly at hierarchical FDR=5% in the gene-expression-metabolite association meta-analysis qualified for these associations.The following Associations were tested: gene expression probes ~ metabolites, log-BMI ~ metabolites log-BMI ~ gene expression, log-BMI ~ gene expression + metabolite. Associations were adjusted for six covariates. P-values
- Online Supplemental Table 4: Meta-analyzed association results needed for checking mediation analysis assumptions and for calculation mediation statistics.
- Online Supplemental Table 5: Mediation analysis summary statistics. Mediations of gene expression effects (exposure) via metabolite effects (mediatior) and of metabolite effects (exposure) via gene expression effects (mediator) on body mass index (outcome) were tested.