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Published September 9, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

CAPABLE D7.5: Third Interim Usability and Acceptability Evaluation Report

  • 1. University of Pavia, Italy
  • 2. Academic Medical Center Amsterdam (AMC), The Netherlands
  • 3. Bitsens, Lithuania
  • 4. Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), The Netherlands
  • 5. Aimac, Italy
  • 6. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain


This deliverable shares the results of the third usability and user experience study of the CAPABLE prototypes as defined in previous deliverable D7.1. During these activities, the ongoing developed interfaces of the final system provided by WP6 have been evaluated by applying the two methods described in D7.1:

  • Interviews with patients. These interviews gathered feedback from the end users of the Patient App: Melanoma and Kidney cancer patients during the treatment phase. Considering the broader applicability of the app to any type of cancer patient, this iteration also included other types of oncological patients, and cancer survivors (treatment finished in no more than 2 years). Overall, 17 patients have been interviewed.
  • Interviews with healthcare professionals (HCPs). These interviews aimed to collect overall feedback about both doctors’ and patients’ solutions, understand if the clinical and patients’ needs are covered, and revise the core functionalities that have been proposed in the current prototype. A total of 10 health professionals have been interviewed.

The protocols of each study are attached in the Annex. The document also presents the general conclusions from these validation activities and the next steps to follow in future developments to satisfy the user experience needs emerging in this process. 

Differently from the previous two rounds, the current pandemic situation allowed all the interviews to be performed in a presence. The following tools have been used:

  • Online survey engine based on Limesurvey, used for the interviewer as a guide.
  • Online access to the clinical dashboards to inspect functionalities for the Health Care Professionals.
  • App installed on an Android device to test the functionalities for the patients.
  • An Asus Vivowatch 5 smartwatch.


This deliverable is a part of a project receiving funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 875052



Additional details


CAPABLE – CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience 875052
European Commission