Published June 1, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Human and Nature in Documentary Films

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the research is to study the interaction peculiarities of man and nature in documentary film, to establish separate dramatic techniques and features of the author’s documentaries on environmental topics using the examples of the creative work of leading masters. The research methodology includes comparative, factual and historical analysis. Films were chosen for observation, in which the author’s concepts of creating a documentary film on the topic of interaction between man and nature were most clearly manifested. The historical-comparative method expands the search for sources to create an objective historical picture and the time in which the events took place. The problem-chronological method of studying the historical reality made it possible to compare the documentary chronicles of different years, as well as to trace the consequences of its socio-cultural and ideological influence on the consciousness of people. Scientific novelty. The author analyzes the dramatic techniques and features that are, to one degree or another, relevant and relevant precisely in films on the topic of interaction between man and nature. In films on the chosen topic, a kind of cinematic space and a complex, multifaceted image of a hero, who is not necessarily a person (nature as the main character), is formed. All these abilities and techniques require special analysis and comprehension. Conclusions. The director’s desire to go beyond the traditional chronicle perception of a screen document, to turn it into a metaphorical sign, to create a purposeful author’s monologue, by manipulating screen signs – hieroglyphs, is analyzed. Editing techniques are considered – a sequential conclusion from the automatism of the screen material perception through the removal of some image techniques: the expression of the angle, the paradoxical composition, the choice of the size of objects, the change in the shooting speed, tonal and colouristic accents.



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